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Single mothers

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anotheoldgit | 14:19 Fri 29th Aug 2008 | News
26 Answers 3/More-babies-born-England-Wales-non-white.htm l

The number of births registered by single mother's was also highest for those who recorded as Caribbean at 20.5 per cent followed African (13 per cent) and white British (seven per cent).

One would expect a high rate of single mothers amongst the Blacks in Africa,but in Britain, why?



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Many "African" men dont want to marry and some have children by multiple partners (soul singer James Brown for example had 12 children from 7 different mothers).

While many African men father chldren they are unwilling to support them so leaving it to the rest of us mugs who pay our taxes to support them.

Our generous child benefit (and other benefits) encourages women to have children out of wedlock as they can then get a council house and live off benefits for the rest of the time they are mothers.

There are far more "black" children living with a single parent (usually mother) than "white" children and this lack of fatherly support / control allows them to look up to rap singers who treat women as dirt and glorify crime, drug dealing and on.

This is all part of a long term plan by the Labour goverment (with help from the Tories) to ruin this country and make it an awful place to live in for honest white middle class people who have been here for centuries.

This current Labour government has done more to ruin this country that all the governments of the last 100 years added together.
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For once it seems that the Liberal Left, have no answers.
i agree to a certain extent about a lot of somalian refugees coming over here and having 2 or 3 wives getting houseing and us tax payers supporting their kids however we make it to bloody easy for people to come over and take advantage of the system so the government is just as much to blame for single mums on the rise
I do not have a racist bone in my body but considering these women originally come from countries that shrink heads, sew up little girls vaginas, eat people and wear those silly rings around their necks formulating a human giraffe-like effect, it is hardly surprising that they are unable to keep their legs together whilst systematically ignoring contraception is it?

Don't get me wrong, coloured folk are not all savages, for example I quite that that Ainsley Harriott and Ulande from Eastenders is rather pleasant, but they do tend to breed like rabbits given the right environment. More so, when they are on a freebie in good ol' Blighty.
i hope your taking the p..s cause that was very uncalled for
a hangover from the days of slavery when slavers - I forget what colour they were - deliberately kept men away from their families and used the women to breed from. It seems they leart their lesson.

As for the figure for white British, I can't imagine, but perhaps some white Britons would care to explain.
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Steve.5 I would never have guessed that, all the fault of the Great British
Africans make sure they are already are or get pregnant as soon as they get here.

That way it virtually garuantees they and there spawn get to stay.

I believe ireland made some changes to its laws to stop this practice.
Yawn usual rascist clap trap.

Everyday same old drivvel.

Why bother ?�
whys it racist ? , because traitors like you hate the truth and other peoples opinions.

If you want to live in a black country go to africa, i'm sure you'll be more than welcome

Has Bash The Blacks Day been moved again???

For God's sake...can we get some consistency here? I was looking forward to a jolly BTBD on Saturday, but now it looks like it's moved to Fridays.

I'm so mad...etc etc.

Oh, and the reason why the liberal left don't have an answer is because there isn't a simple answer.

You may as well ask why so many white men are kiddy fiddlers. It's an uncomfortable question that people feel embarrassed even discussing...

...I'm only basing that ridiculous question on the fact that in 42 years, I don't ever recall a news story featuring a black paedophile.

Weird huh?
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Up to your old tricks once again, turn the argument on it's head and hope the subject in question goes away.

...I'm only basing that ridiculous question on the fact that in 42 years, I don't ever recall a news story featuring a black paedophile.

Reason being, no one in the "COMMUNITY" dare report them, unless they want to get stabbed or their head blown off.
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I said that I don't have an answer to your question. I was being honest.

I think you're looking for simplistic answers which paints black people in a bad light.

...all the time.

This is why fewer and fewer people respond to your's like - "Okay! We get it....we know where you're coming from!!!"

Say if I posted a 'question' which asked why so many white men are paedophiles every time there was a famouds case, wouldn't you start to think, "I know this person's's obvious"?
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This is why fewer and fewer people respond to your's like - "Okay! We get it....we know where you're coming from!!!"

Looking through the last 20 questions, I have entered 3 questions to which I have received 32 answers, not counting my own. So I still receive quite a good response, although I do not class it as a popularity contest, even if you do.

Whereas you have not entered any questions in the last 20. It is much easier to answer and critizise, than to put a question forward. All you ever do is to sit on the fence and then make silly referrals to Kylie Minogue etc.
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Making it a little uncomfortable for you and your causes, are we?

But then there is an answer, you could always leave, I don't think the good old U.K. would miss you.

Ah...but check through the actual answers to your posts. They generally fly off on a tangent completely separate from the question you ask.

I admit - I am wrong about your 'decreasing popularity'. I believe I am culpable in a long running thread about the MOBOs (which started off on a completely different subject).

Furthermore - sit on the fence???


Singularly untrue.

And if I do occasionally post something lighthearted, it shows that us lefties actually do have a sense of humour.

I refute all your accusations. I shall brook no ripostes.
That last sentence was a quote from a Victoria Wood sketch.

If these 'dads' spread their sporn around so many women then the kids could grow to incestuous relationships, unknowingly?

Too late to worry about consequences......that's y the majority have low IQ and r demented.

Poor kids, only boot-camp will save them.....or is that the Govts plan?

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