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Conservative defects to Labour

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Gromit | 16:33 Tue 26th Jun 2007 | News
19 Answers
In his scathing resignation letter to Cameron, Quentin Davies states...

"Although you have many positive qualities you have three, superficiality, unreliability and an apparent lack of any clear convictions, which in my view ought to exclude you from the position of national leadership"

Are the Tories heading to another crashing electorial defeat?


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I generally vote Tory or maybe Liberal (at a push). Never voted Labour.

I am not a rabid Tory, but generally feel a conservative type government is better for the country overall than a socialist one (if you can call nu labour socialist).

I think Blair (and soon Brown) are ripe for a downfall, and a strong conservative party would be ripping them to shreds.

But Cameron is a wishy-washy, upper class, twit, a bit like the Harry Enfield character Nice-but-dim.

Labour will not win the next election because they are so good, but the opposition are so bad.

btw When are the Liberals going to elect a leader. They have been without one since Kennedy left.
It says a lot for the lack of choice in politics that a politician can defect from Tory to Labour without any real shift in his political outlook.
Will the tories win the next election the answer is no. I think labour will win the next election because of the lack of a strong opposition.
But has he moved to the Labour party?

If so, it is as NJOK states no change in political outlook. I find that desperate given that I am one of those extinct dinasours - a socialist.

Mind you it is one thing to disagree but to make such a statement is a bit dirty washing of linen in public - almost as if he doesn't want Camerson to suceed, which personality aside persumably he wants the Cons to win.
I wouldn't write off Cameron yet.

You see he really doesn't care if most of us vote for him or not, nor does Gordon Brown for that matter.

Elections are won or lost in the marginal constituencies and particularly in the floating voters there.

For most of us thinking that our vote means anything is sheer self-delusion.

The question is not whether I or vhelpfulguy like him - unless of course he lives in say Basildon.

That may be happening latest polls seem to show a rise in Tory support but a drop in support with traditional Tory voters.

Of course it is rather open to question as to whether if Cameron gets elected he'll lead a government anything like what most people would think of as a Conservative administration.

"New Tory" perhaps?
I couldn't have put it better than vehelpfulguy, my sentiments exactly. But who would you like to lead the Conservatives?
And who is there to lead the Liberals?

Should we get back to a 3 party divide ie Left, Centre, and Right. Or are the 3 parties too wrapped up in political correctness, whilst being held down by Europe.

The frightening thing is that in the present climate of our 3 main political parties being virtually unelectable, the stage is set for some extreme party to come forward, and promise what the majority of British people want to hear and they will get to power.

This is how Hitler came to power, he wooed the German people, and gave them a strong currency, full employment and proud once again to be German. But at what cost?
You know what makes me mad about this? Bl00dy Gordon Brown saying he wants to get rid of spin, then sitting in a ****** photo call with this Quentin whoever smiling his ugly face off on the day before we are forced to accept him as our PM. I can't believe the man!!!
you can't believe he's smiling because an opposition MP defected to his party?? I can believe it very easily!
Quentin Davies is hideously hypocritical...I've just read some anti-Brown statements he's made in the commons over the past few years.

He seems more like a political opportunist rather than a conviction politician.

...and he's called Quentin.
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Those criticisms look like a sour grapes thing. He probably expected a job on the shadow cabinet but never got it and this is his way of getting back at Cameron.
Why isn't there an by-election when someone defects to another party? After all he was elected as a Tory not a Labour candidate!
Why is a photo like that classed as spin?

Is any contact with the media off limits now? How about the PM's weekly press conference?

ALL politicians are liars and are only in politics to get their snouts in the trough. It's only idiots who vote for a liar!!
Yeah, that photo opportunity isn't spin. Spin is where bad news is taken and managed in such a way to portray it in a positive light.

A Tory backbencher crossing the floor is all good news for Labour.
My point isn't that he took the photo call - and NJOK - I take your point. But to me (and apparently to wikipedia) spin can also be about portraying a situation to your own favour and timing events so that they can take full advantage of. I would have had more respect if they'd quietly released a statement confirming this MP's defection and spelling out the reasons for doing so. To me, the photo call just smacks of childish na na na naa naa that is often seen in playgrounds.
Sasha, you only have to look at Prime Minister's question time to know these people are not above childish behaviour.
All that schoolboyish guffawing, jeering, yah-booing and paper waving makes the average playground look pretty civilised to me.
A very good question by Kathyan, it is only a pity that no one has answered it, especially all those Conservative voters from Grantham & Stamford who gave up their time to bother to go to the polling station and vote him in.

Come on there must be some Lincoln Conservatives out there who are a little choked over this. It should never be allowed, it's as bad as a team player from one side going over to play for the other side, during the course of the game.
voting papers list the names of candidates rather than of parties, which are mentioned as an afterthought. If you insist on voting for someone so unreliable he won't even stay in the same party, it's your own fault.

The greatest serial defector seems to have been Churchill, who stood as Tory, Liberal, Independent Anti-Socialist, and Constitutionalist, and maybe some others I've forgotten. So there's a promising precedent. Davies may yet become a great war leader.

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