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Can I install another lock in the place of a Banhams lock

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mug of tea | 11:31 Mon 02nd Apr 2007 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
I bought a repossessed house. It was fitted with Banhams locks which were taken out of operation. Banhams are too expensive for me to use to replace them. Is there another style of lock that will fit in the same hole? Or is there a more economical option (eg other locksmiths using Banhams products)? One lock looks like the tongue is still there - just needs a new barrel. (though I know little about this...!)

Please help me!


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Ask a local locksmith if he can change the lock barrels. You keep the good locks but have a new cylinder with keys that only you hold.

Probably a lot cheaper than replacing the whole lock.
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Agree with last comment. Should ask a local locksmith. Find one through these guys out.
<a href=””>Locks

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Can I install another lock in the place of a Banhams lock

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