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Whats wrong with putting your make-up on whilst driving?

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Drisgirl | 20:08 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | News
48 Answers


What an erse of a woman - would have been a different story if someone chanced to be on the pavement whilst she investigated why her mascara was clogged.

In saying that - it was a bit much to fine someone for eating a sausage roll whilst stationary at a junction!

I've seen the Polis munching in the squad car - double standards?



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Men don't need to actually look at the contents of their nasal passages in order to assess the success of the picking operation.

We honestly don't need to look at the items extracted...we just use feel and experience.

The only point at which we take out eyes off the road is after the operation is complete - when we check our nostrils for stray 'danglers'.

Hope that clears it up.

In newspaper today she�s saying she did it because she was going to see her lover. And going on like she�s proud of it. She was in a rush because she had to get there because his wife and kids were out. Oooh you big clever girl.
And it so annoys me when I see parents driving kids to school while on their mobile
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sp1814 - just so glad you preceded danglers with nostril - thought we were on another genetically modified trait you men have.Phew!!!

Clear as your nose now (I hope)! O go on then have another wee dig and check for quality - you know you want to:)

4getmenot - this idiot who masquerades as a human is a disgrace and I am not a violent person - but the more I hear about her the more I would like to apply some colour to her cheeks without the help of make-up.

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BTW - 4getmenot - I know we have had a bit of a laugh on here but you're right there is a serious issue.I never use my mobile whilst driving and always pull over for a call or to make one.I simply cant concentrate and drive with a moby in my hand - yes I've done it buts its well nigh impossible.

i managed to paint my nails once while driving down the M8, bit of a traffic jam right enough but even so, i was quite pround of myself. something to add to the old C.V.

but seriously, she deserves all she gets.

Once I was driving along and I happened to glance towards the car next to me. There was a woman putting on make-up while she was driving! She had the sun visor pulled down, using the mirror on the back of it. Her eyes were mostly on the mirror & occasionally, she would look at the road and correct her drifting car. At one point, she weaved into my lane. Instinctively I grabbed the steering wheel and swerved. That caused me to drop my electric razor, which fell into the coffee cup between my legs. Hot coffee spilled into my lap making me jump, spilling coffee all over the newapaper on the steering wheel and all over my lap. In all the confusion, I dropped my mobile and broke it. And that was an important call.

Bloody women drivers!

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PMSL stoo_pid - sorry!!Men honestly:)
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Here - you're eyes were off the road too eying her up.Hope the coffee didnt land where it looked like you had had a 'wee' accident:)

There was a man behind me at the traffic lights yesterday, squeezing a big juicy spot on his chin!! Bleurgh! How gross!

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See - I rest my case - men are officially disgusting behind the wheel!!!


Spot squeezing - yes - the other thing that we blokes do when we think no-one can see us.

And singing along at the top of our voices to something really inappropriate. I was once caught at traffic lights singing along to a Steps song.


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Everyone looks like a complete loony when you see them singing along, with no passengers.I laugh my head off then realise I now look like a loony cos I have no passengers!!

What can I say, Woman drivers!!!

Won't that wind up you gals!!

But seriously though, the polis (I'm scottish too!) are extremely guilty of double standards, especially the Traffic Police, its not the first time I've seen them seriously exceeding the speed limit without the blues or two tones on. They get their heads crammed full of this mince by going on an Advanced Driving course, and are made to think that they are infallable and the worlds greatest drivers, and are totally superior to all us ordinary mortals. It would not be the first time I've seen a Traffic BMW or Mercedes in a breakers yard looking quite mangled! Yet they will tap you for going a couple of MPH above the speed limit on a deserted road and go on to tell you that you are dangerous and fools speed and all of this nonsense, I totally agree, the police most definately have double standards.
BTW Sp- about the nose picking thing, I EAT THEM!!!!!!
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78 - more hygenic than flicking them -do you roll them up first?Do you have a squeeze at your plooks at the traffic lights as well?

I do agree with your comments about the gestapo - oops sorry meant the Traffic Police - what we call in Scotland - a Bobbys job (quite literally as it happens)!

We were pulled over for trying to manouvere a mini roundabout (going right) which has so little space that if you were to avoid the white blob you would have to reverse and take another cut.There is no option but to clip it.They were actually sitting waiting to pull people up and give them a wee warning - yes officer:)

I saw a guy driving up the M1 at christmas time, with a ginger cat on his lap!!! Oh yes, it is true. It was so funny. There was a bit of traffic so we kept passing each other. He was probably about 60, with an old mans cap on, no-one else in the car, just him and the cat. To be fair to the cat, though, it did look very well behaved.
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Bet he was stinking tho morg.I once brought my cat back from the vet and he was so distressed I let him out his carrier.He promptly widdled all over the car.Bad smell to get rid off.

We have had a laugh at some of the posts but in all seriousness some people are just accidents waiting to happen to other people!

Dris- What plooks?!? Maybe 8 or 9 years ago but not now. I always thought that eating ones snargles were better than pinging them across the room, but what about, when you sneeze and one flees out your nostril at 100MPH? Absolutely right, the Traffic Police are like the gestapo, even down to the peaked cap, the thin wispy moustache and the evil gaze.

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