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ToraToraTora | 14:43 Thu 07th Apr 2022 | News
45 Answers
...woman optimises tax liability! Shocker!


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You probably are, Gromit - can you honestly say that you have declared and paid tax on every single penny of income that you have received or gone out of your way to minimise your tax exposure?

Anyway, me thinks its more of a smear programme to get at the Chancellor. Legally, his wife has done nothing wrong.
20m eh Gromit. Did you do the calcs or just using 'figures' being bandied around? Did you take into account taxes paid in other countries for instance?

Of course its a smear programme DTC.
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she's doing nothing illegal, change the law if it's wrong. Most tax is not from direct sources anyway she pays tax every day like we all do. Personally I'd abolish direct tax. It targets the less well off and is largely political.
TTT - If Mrs Sunak is found to have breached the conditions regarding her non-dom status, then she has done something illegal, so stating she has not is a little premature.
Has anybody here got an ISA?

If you have you are legitimately avoiding tax.

I don’t see any difference.
Is there anything to indicate she hasn't satisfied the non-dom conditions?
I'd be much more concerned to find Sunak was unable to give accurate tax advice to his wife. That would be scary.
However, 15 years for non-dom does seem excessive. Particularly when you see the original reasons for it. Maybe that should be halved, but she appears to be paying all the tax she should for now.
I have also successfully avoided paying £20Million in tax ;-)
If her main residence for tax purposes is not in the UK but in India, how many days a year does she spend there?
well done Gromit....hope you have it banked in the Cayman Islands or some fine international repository,
if she spends less than 90 tax days here, then she is non resident - a tax day is not the same as a working day as every time that you arrive or leave is not counted - i.e fly in on a Monday, leave on the Friday, then that's 3 tax days. There are havens like the Bahamas where you can be resident and pay zero tax - though you have to pay $15 mln on property I think the number is, and you also get a Bahamian passport. Then you travel around your different residences in the UK, France and the UsA avoiding any tax.
That may be right, dtc, but not how the link explains it. It seems to suggest an intention/ commitments to return, and living here a maximum of 15 years?
The main reason that Mrs Sunak can claim non dom is that India do not allow dual nationality so Mrs Sunak is always a resident of India.
That fact is overlooked though Danny to allow people to be outraged.

This woman is doing absolutely nothing wrong.

As per those that don’t have are jealous of those that do.
well, she's changed her mind and is going to pay UK tax. Jolly D!
Such a stalwart defence of her position, one is agog at her tenacity in sticking to her guns having done nothing wrong. :-)

Tried, convicted, sentenced and all to get Rishi into No. 10.

Cultural differences?
If you throw enough *** some of it will eventually stick. If Captain Hindsight's supporters can't see what is going on here they should go to specsavers.
Just heading off the Sunday papers at the pass, nothing to see here.

Not yet anyway, but the dogs are loose.
Mrs Sunak said
// she realised many people felt her tax arrangements were not “compatible with my husband’s job as chancellor”, adding that she appreciated the “British sense of fairness”.

She will pay tax on all worldwide income in future and for the last tax year, but not on backdated income, which could have saved her an estimated £20m of UK tax on foreign earnings from her billionaire father’s Indian IT company. //

Mea Culpa

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