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Trump Is Liberating The Usa

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Khandro | 09:46 Sat 29th Jul 2017 | News
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....from decades of stifling PC. would you agree?


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// Jim, since you haven’t watched the video your argument in this instance cannot possibly emanate from ‘reason’.//

o dear - are we back to - you cant discuss rope unless you have been roped or done it ?

Normal day on AB then

( reason - substitute 'experience'and then it makes sense.
A and B may imply C even tho you have not experienced A . B or C)

Hi Jim how is life in the theoretical physics world
found any more hadrons/bosons yet ?
Khandro, you're clearly not going to get many responses here that are relevant to your OP. Shame really. The theory could have produced some interesting discussion.
Yes, there seems to be some sort of 'you can't criticise Trump if you haven't watched the video' attitude prevailing from some ABers.
As for Khandro's unsubstantiated and barely comrehendable rants last night, I hope you've slept it off.
Zacs, no one is saying you can’t criticise Trump, but had you and others taken the trouble to watch the video you would be aware that Trump’s performance as president isn’t the subject of the OP. It's quite simple really.
Then why is the post titled 'Trump is liberating the USA' and why is the video titled 'The Trump effect'.

Zacs, The theory is basically that if one man rejects the status quo, others will realise that change is possible. Trump, for obvious reasons, is used as an example of a man who doesn’t automatically adhere to ‘the rules’.
That's for sure, but a high price to pay for what will prove to be a blip in the normal way of doing things.

'Trump’s performance as president isn’t the subject of the OP'

'Trump, for obvious reasons, is used as an example'

Setting aside your confusion, many of us here are basing our opinion of Trump and any effect he may be having, on practical issues. It's plain to see that he hasn't a clue how to run a country and especially his own administration. He's purely reactionary in his modus operandi so please don't make out he has any long term plans.

Could you give me just one or two practical examples of how Trump's presidential 'style' has / will affect the political landscape?
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jim; What Trump is attempting is a monumental task and I fear it may be too much for one man to achieve, but in my book he deserves full marks for at least trying. You really should at least listen to some of what is being said in the video please.

When I was at university in the early 60's; it was a transitional period between Con. (Macmillan/Home) and Lab. (Wilson) I wasn't very interested in politics, but there was an atmosphere of ambivalence, all views would have been freely tolerated and reasonably discussed.

In the mid 80's my wife went to university as a mature student and what she encountered was an extremely strong ethos of 'left-wing liberalism' which had now permeated all higher education. She, having had a lot of life experience, was able to take a balanced view, though when she chose to write thesis' on more conservative writers it was frowned on but allowed, and marked "on her arguments".
Her younger contemporaries have gone out into the world, many of whom would have become teachers (not to mention lawyers and judges etc) - and maybe even those they taught are now teaching too.

When I spoke to my grandson at 15 about his curriculum I was surprised to learn how biased it all was, example; German history was nothing but Nazism and the holocaust - no Luther, Goethe, Durer or Bach. The even younger generation are now being fed a diet of left-wing issues with an atheist slant, which I believe is turning into runaway overheating, children are being infected with politics with 5 year olds being primed and scripted to make party political videos ; 'I'm very angry with you Theresa May'.

Over in the USA, this is just one of the issues which Donald Trump is valiantly attempting to address against a sea of abuse, and from you all he gets is your post 09:56 Sat.
Same question to you Khandro.

Can you give one or two practical examples of how Trump's 'new world thinking' is affecting life in the US?

You can concentrate on how he's managing to stop children being politically primed if you like.
Zacs, I’ve watched the video so I’m not confused. I’m not ‘making out’ anything either, but since Trump’s performance as president is not the issue as I see it, I seem to be talking at cross-purposes to the rest of you. Whether or not his presidential style will affect the political landscape remains to be seen.

/// I'll never stop wondering how long it will be before people see the irony of complaining liberally about their right to free speech being taken away from them. ///

Some would if they could, some of us have to be thankful that we have not quite reached that stage yet.
Naomi, you've stated that Trump's presidential style has / will lead to others believing that the current political landscape can be changed.

All I'm asking for is a couple of examples of his rejecting the status quo having changed people's minds.
Zacs, I haven’t said that.
But you seem to be siding with Khandro and the title of his thread is Trump IS liberating the USA which he purports to be supported by the video which you also support.

Should the OP have been more reasonably titled 'Trump's new style of presidency COULD liberate politics in the USA according to this video' ?
Zacs, //But you seem to be siding with Khandro and the title of his thread is Trump IS liberating the USA//

Your imagination is running away with you. Khandro’s choice of heading is his choice. I have no agenda either way, so I suspect his impression of the video, which I found to be an interesting examination of political correctness, its reasons and its effects, differs from mine.
OK, let's assume Trump's style trailblazes a whole new way to 'liberate the USA' (I can barely type for laughing at this point).........
How do you see this happening? What practical or even theoretical procedures are even hinted at or have been demonstrated in his tenure to date?
Zacs, ask someone who's interested in responding to that.
But you said that Khandro's point would make for a good debate. Now you're running away from a question designed to do just that. I gather from your response that you have not one shred of evidence that Trump's presidential style is affecting politics or is likely to liberate the USA.
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Zacs; // (I can barely type for laughing at this point)......... //

You're not the only one! You can spend more time writing fatuous, irrelevant posts than it would take to watch the video and understand what is being talked about.
I really have got better things to do than waste time on you, - I tried.

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