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Smoking in public places....

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Loosehead | 12:37 Tue 06th Sep 2005 | News
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It now seems that the debate is about a total ban or a ban in places where food is sold. Personally I prefer the total ban as per Ireland, otherwise it's open to abuse, what do others think?


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Care to enlighten us then Purplelinzi. No?? thought not. I see you are one of these people who cannot debate so you automatically insult those who do not agree with you. Oh dear!
I would prefer a total ban. I've just spent a while in Canada where they seem to have a total ban and it was lovely not to passively smoke. I really notice the smoke now I'm back in the UK, gets on my wick. I once read somewhere that having a smoking section in a pub/restaurant is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool!

Smoking areas for smokers and non smoking areas for the non smokers - seems very simple to me.

Kitty glitter - sorry seems to me very easy.

If you don't like other people smoking you have two choices:

1) You don't go into that establishment

2) You go in and put up with it.

If you don't go in, you can either decied to stay at home or (if there are enough like minded people) start up another establishment catering for you.

If I go into a restaurant should the governement decied that there should be no fatty food on the menu. After all, its not good for you, it drains precious NHS resources etc etc.

If it does get on your wick, don't go. Or start up another place - don't keep going on about it!

We are supposed to have a ban on smoking here in the Balearic islands in any public office and anywhere where food is served that means even a packet of unopened peanuts.  Of course nobody is taking any notice of it and it annoys the pants off me.  Having put up with ill-mannered smokers for years (they hold their ciggies or puff smoke just where it catches innocent folk) I am now fed up with it.  I used to smoke 60 a day and I can sympathise, but I don't want to breathe in their smoke.  TOTAL BAN!!

Oneeyedvic - what do you mean don't keep going on about it? I've only said it once lol. I think the system worked well at this club in Toronto. Smokers could go outside on the heated patio area to smoke and this area itself had a good atmosphere - it was proper part of the club - it just happened to be outside. There are ways around both smokers and non smokers being able to go out and enjoy themselves together. Times are changing - it wasn't that long ago since smoking was allowed in cinema's and on public transport.

Regards your argument about fatty food not being on the menu - well if you eat fatty food, that doesn't affect anyone else. People are only complaining about smoking because the smoke affects other people around them. I think non-smokers should have the right to go out to bars/clubs and breathe clean air. I get the impression that more people want this than not.

I can see most peoples point of view with the smoking, I smoke, and yes it does spoil my night getting up & moving to an isolated area to smoke, but I do it, even in places where I can smoke and there are others with me whose night would be spoilt if I blow smoke at them all night. You do get used to not smoking where there are enforced bans, and it does help you to cut down. I do however get irritated by people who are sitting in the smoking area of a pub and look at you with disgust if you do happen to get smoke near them. Cannabis, I feel strongly about, it should not have been de crimanalised, for lot's of older folk maybe, but the mental health of our young people is seriously at risk because of this drug, because their brains are still developing Cannabis does serious harm & wrecks lives causing Psychosis and Schizophrenia in loads of 15 to 22 year olds. In fact 66% in my area alone.
Sorry mean't to say 66% of young people with psychosis in my area was caused by Cannabis use.

I know what the thread is.

I thought I made it clear as did chapel.Smoking is banned in Eire in public places and everyone adheres to it.My husband smokes in his van and in his digs..He does not smoke in public..A total ban works as most people are not ignorant enough to smoke whilst people are eating.

Now what part of both the replies were not clear and what part of the thread did I not understand?

I am open to criticiscm (constructive of course - LOL)

brassmonkey yeah you as sooooo right
I like smoking, and i'd rather not sit alone in some damp corner whilst i do it. Surely there's a compromise here somewhere.  Why should we just go round banning things.  Smokers opinions are rarely counted as valid and we're an easy target.
Why should a smoker pollute the air around the non-smokers?????
Why should a car driver pollute the air around a cyclist?
I think people with children should be banned from going into smoking areas, you have a  right to poison yourself, but not your children. In a supermarket cafes  you quite often see people dropping fag ash on their babies, and puffing smoke over them, it is bad enough to feed them rubbish foods without kippering the poor little souls
Yes Englishbird - I also agree with that.

I live in a rural area and have no choice but to travel by car. I do not choose to pollute the atmosphere but, until vehicles are made emission free (and affordable), I sadly have no choice.Smokers do have a choice. It is not necessary to smoke.You choose to smoke.I wish I could choose to enjoy clean air and pavements not covered in cigarette ends.I would like to choose not to have my Council tax not spent on cleaning the streets of debris left by smokers.

My father chose to smoke.He died as a direct result of his habit.My mother did not choose to be a widow. I did not choose to spend the rest of my life without my beloved father.

I pray for a total ban.

Harper - Hear Hear.

I have almost got on bended knee to plead with my husband to stop.Its almost like some kind of vendetta smokers think non - smokers have.

I have been to 4 funerals within 5 months all directly attributed to smokingAll below 60.One  - like me had stopped but the damage had already been done.

Sorry for your loss Harper and I hope people take note and do not see it as an invasion of their civil liberties..

First let me make it clear that I do not smoke - I gave up over 18 months ago.


Second, of course it is an infringment of civil liberties. It is a legal product with tax money going to the government.

Harper - if you are so concerned move to the town - giving excuses about having to drive is utter rubbish - you choose to drive because you choose to live in a rural area.

People choose to smoke - in fact a lot of people are addicted to the stuff - so they don't actually choose to - they have to.

Yes it does come down to choice, and I choose to smoke, and I don't see why someone should tell me that i can't.  I am a curteous pleasant person, why can't everyone be accomodated.  Why should there be a total ban, smokers are part of the 'public' too.  Yes there should be seperate areas so that non-smokers have their choice, but why take mine away?

As for pubs, why the hell should people who don't smoke, and often don't drink, come into pubs and then start telling the rest of us what we're supposed to do.  Go to a coffee shop!!

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