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Gambian President, Attacks Lgbt Community In Shocking Un Address

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anotheoldgit | 13:49 Mon 30th Sep 2013 | News
65 Answers

Why should this odious person be allowed to spout his offensive and threatening rhetoric before the United Nations General Assembly?



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Hopefully this has gone some way to answering your question?

Or do you think that homophobic people, no matter where they come from, should be silenced?
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It is simply amazing that many have supported free speech in this instance, yet the same people have in the past demanded that certain far-right persons should not be allowed into this country to spout their rhetoric,

You have chosen to attack the Russian Government, some have even introduced a film star called Jeff Chandler into the argument, all to somehow divert away from the original question, or even to attack this man.

What could be the reason for all these attempts to somehow divert away from the fact that this odious creature has previously told gays and lesbians to leave the country or have their heads cut off, called homosexuality one of the three "biggest threats to human existence, and also stated that it is becoming an epidemic and we Muslims and Africans will fight to end this behaviour?

Ah, I think the answer may lay in the fact that he is not only Muslim but also African, and we know how some don't care for either of these two to be openly criticised on Answerbank, so could this be the reason why some have been so slow to condemn him?

/people have in the past demanded that certain far-right persons should not be allowed into this country to spout their rhetoric/

That's probably true aog

But as neither the Gambian president nor the Russian Government were applying to spout their rhetoric in this country the relevance is questionable

If your OP had asked; "should this odious person be allowed to VISIT UK in order to spout his offensive and threatening rhetoric" may have prompted a different set of responses
I find it alarming that a president of a country feels so confident about his views on homosexuality that he would make such a speech. His total lack of tolerance towards gays/lesbians is frightening - it is 2013 and surely we should all be living in a civilised society.

Humans are not very humane.

You wrote:

"It is simply amazing that many have supported free speech in this instance, yet the same people have in the past demanded that certain far-right persons should not be allowed into this country to spout their rhetoric"

I don't think you will find a single instance where anyone on AB has said that any of your beloved far right groups should be banned.

I may be wrong, but I don't think I am. I certainly can't think of any instances.

Attacks on gay people are happening the world over. I totally agree with you that what is going on in Gambia is horrific, but in Russia two months ago, a young gay man was kidnapped, tortured, raped with a glass bottle and had these events posted on YouTube.

All this whilst the Russian government promotes a spirit of hated against gays.

Don't you think this hatred is not geographically limited?

Did you know that the last Pope said that homosexuality was a bigger threat to the future of the planet than the destruction of the rain forests?

(I had to heavily re-word this post. I hope you appeciate that I'm doing my best here...)
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Oh nuts. I'm going to say it.

If people are slow to condemn blacks and Muslims, don't you think it's balanced by your almost superhuman speed to do the opposite?

Do you sometimes type so quickly that you smell burning coming from your keyboard?
Another thought AOG - if we all rushed to agree with you, criticising blacks and Muslims with the same gusto that you do...

...wouldn't you get bored?

How can you debate/argue, when everyone agrees?

Do you think this odious person should not be allowed to spout his offensive and threatening rhetoric?

And do you think that should be the case no matter what the colour or creed?

I just want to know so that the next time I read something that I deem racist or homophobic, I know I can rely on you to join me in my condemnation.
Question Author

/// Do you think this odious person should not be allowed to spout his offensive and threatening rhetoric? ///

And was it not I who said so?

/// And do you think that should be the case no matter what the colour or creed? ///

Yes but that was not in question.

/// I just want to know so that the next time I read something that I deem racist or homophobic, I know I can rely on you to join me in my condemnation. ///

I most certainly will but I doubt very much that you will do as you say if the perpetrator happens to be either Black, Muslim or both, as in this case.

I knew exactly the response I would get from my post even before I put it on AnswerBank, and you along with the usual suspects, have not failed to live up to my expectations once again.

Enter a question about homophobia, involving a black person who also happens to be a Muslim, and stand back and await the reaction, whereas a person being homophobic is cause for condemnation and quite rightly so, the usual suspects are running around like headless chickens, with every raw nerve showing, they can't openly be shown to criticise a black person least all a Muslim.

What can they possibly do, well first try supporting something they themselves don't support "Free-Speech", Blame others in other countries, introduce the usual various diversionary ploys, then finish by attacking AOG for daring to put them in such a difficult situation.

Walks away with a smug expression on one's face, another job well done.

seriously delusional...

perhaps you can find a list from some random IMDB user to back up your argument aog :-)
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I think you've seriously embarrassed yourself.

Re-read your last post.

You should see it within a couple of seconds.

I urge you to study New Judge's posts for an example of what I mean (apart from his appalling 'dog in a stable' post).

Last question - are you racist?
Frankly it's pretty pathetic to make a post hoping to use it to make yourself feel smug. For a refreshing change, why not make a post to start a debate where you are genuinely interested in what people have to say, rather than use it to massage your ego?
I will ask you again - if we agreed with all your racially motivated posts, wouldn't you get bored?

Surely AB needs balance? We can't all be slagging off blacks and Muslims?

Surely that's what far right message boards are for...?

That's not what you want to turn AB into, is it?


To clarify - I'm not saying you are racist, just trying to find out whether that's how you see yourself - in the same way that you ask me whether I'm Muslim from time to time...
Question Author

/// why not make a post to start a debate where you are genuinely interested in what people have to say, ///

Why should I, when most of them cannot answer a genuine question.

I have entered perfectly reasonable questions over many years, but almost each and everyone is attacked for some reason, (if you don't believe that just go to my past posts), some people on here are not interested in an adult debate, so I have now taken much enjoyment by being more selective with my posts just to see how much I can enrage the usual suspect, but then it doesn't take much.

Just disagree with them, enter a news story that they would rather not be aired, post a headline they don't agree with, use the Daily Mail web-site, (now that does really upset them), they feel it is okay for them to dish out their insults, but take offence if they are returned, then there are those who seem unable to put two words together in the debate, so they just sit on the side lines ready to chip in with their one liners, such as "what's the Question" or "Yes" or "No", but just being a question from AOG is generally enough to raise their blood to boiling point.

But then as long as they do not go too far, I wouldn't have them any different, they give me many hours of enjoyment, they are so predictable.


"I have entered perfectly reasonable questions over many years"

I've been a member of AB longer than AOG, and indeed there was a time when he used to enter questions specifically to get answers. He still does - but not on the News page.

On the News page he, like many others, including me, enters questions to start a debate, which normally descends into territorial rows.

And despite protestations to the contrary, he enjoys these rows, especially on the occasions when he can score a goal for his side.

We are all like this.

Except that when it comes to scoring goals, those of us on the left play like Manchester Utd, whereas those on the right tend to play much like Croydon Athletic.
"...I have now taken much enjoyment by being more selective with my posts just to see how much I can enrage the usual suspect..."

There is already a word for such behaviour on the internet.

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