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Down To The Hard Core Now....

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ToraToraTora | 14:14 Fri 17th May 2013 | News
94 Answers
Numbers of smokers seem to be stubbornly fixed, are we now down to the hard core that only extreme measures would effect. What measures do you think would reduce smoking further?


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So whether we have a car or use the public busses we can't win with oyur argument? Might as well sit on the sofa at home living on the dole and not travel at all then. Or smoke.

/// My law allows that, but it also allows non smokers to squirt them with water. Its a slightly milder option than ChillDoubt's which was in my previous manifesto. ///

Then it is a good job that you both don't make our laws.

Incidentally I should try your water treatment method against someone smoking with a police officer present, just to see who falls foul of the law, that is the present law of the country, not your made up laws.
Many years ago an uncle told me used to be a moderate smoker. He had a non medical job in a hospital. One day he was shown a pair of lungs taken out of a dead smoker. He never smoked another cigarette in his life. He lived to be 79.
/// Might as well sit on the sofa at home living on the dole and not travel at all then. Or smoke. ///

Why not all four, there are many who do just that?
Always considered the comaprison between transport fumes and smoking a bogus one. It is inevitable one has to move from place to place in life, and surely no one seriously suggests we go back to the horse and cart. On the other hand tobacco smoking has no such necessary function and is started out of choice and possibly continued due to addiction. It's trying to compare the practically unavoidable with the unnecessary. Engines will get cleaner over time anyway, meanwhile one simply needs to accept the downside. Not opting to live in the city helps.

I don't see the need to force the last remaining smokers to abstain. It is enough that society no longer sees this as something those around a smoker simply has to just put up with, but instead something the smoker has to fit in whilst considering others. As long as existing rules are enforced that should be sufficient.
Anyone know what the uptake rate is now for smoking? That's the real measure of the success of the "nudge" experiment.

I'm a cyclist.


This is from the ASH website Ed

"Overall, the prevalence of regular smoking among children aged 11-15
remained stable at between 9 and 11 per cent from 1998 until 2006. However,
in 2007 there was a fall in overall prevalence from 9% to 6%, the lowest rate
recorded since surveys of pupils’ smoking began in 1982. The downward
trend has continued: in 2011 overall prevalence was 5% and among 15 year
olds it fell to 11%.6"

More STATS here
And more stats so they must be true.....

"The latest figures (2011) from the Government’s General Lifestyle Survey show that 20% of the adult population (16+) in Great Britain were cigarette/handrolling tobacco smokers – although the report does note that this is likely to be an understatement. This equates to around 10.5 million smokers – 8.8 million in England. Northern Ireland’s Continuous Household Survey shows that 23% of adults (16+) were cigarette/handrolling tobacco smokers – around 340,000 people."

In 2001 30%
In 2005 28%
In 2011 20% (as above)
Ed, I have 2 teenage sons. I would say 50% of them smoke. The upstart is way too high.

These kids have no excuse, it's just pure stupidity.
50% of their friends. Not 50% of my sons :-)
Dodger...we all have a story. My grandad smoked about 60 to 80 a day and died at the age of 83 after being hit by a car!
Was he hit by it or polluted by it ?
Increasing the restrictions on smokers was always going to follow the law of diminishing returns.

We have probably reached the reasonable limit and increasingly draconian measures will have little further impact.
Thanks all. Looks like generally a good trend. There will be a small percentage which will always do something silly - making it "illegal" might be the only way forward to cut the numbers any further. While this idea has its obvious weaknesses, I can't see tobacco having quite the same black market as other drugs because, quite frankly, it's a bit rubbish.

//Lol Bazile. I'll take that as a yes then, which kind of makes your first comment "Imprison those who continue with this filthy habit " void.

:-) //

No , it's not void , at all .
My previous post which insinuated, that i can be found propping up the bar of the Pen & Wig was just a bit of humour and not at all the truth .

Of course i did realise why you asked me if i drink .
However that was too much of an assumption on your part of the effects of my drinking on the health service , should I have simply said yes .

' Do you drink ' is too open a question in the context of which we are discussing .
It all depends on the amount one consumes .

In my case i dont drink to the extent that it places any burdens on the health system or on the emmergency services .

I'm what you might term an occasional drinker - i.e i might have a swift half at a celebration or the occasional night out .

IMO peeps will do what they want to do despite warnings and the like. You can do nothing, peeps have to find out for themselves and then it is too late to regret your decision when smoking has you in it's hold. There is nowt that can be done..just hope that people will see how bad it can the end it is down to choices and we have to go with that.
Octavius....I shouldn't laugh at that :-) he was hit by it, sadly :-(
No need to do anything draconian, like making it illegal. It is on a downward trend. Just keep doing what they are doing now - a mix of restrictions, an upward escalator on the duty paid, and education,and the trend will continue on down. The rate of change may level out, it might not be as fast as some would like - but just keep doing what they are doing.
Drink? Well at least I as a drinker don't have to have one early morning or after a meal or after sex(?) seems smokers have to partake at certain times...I choose when to consume alcohol..

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