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Do We Want Such Centres In Britain?

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anotheoldgit | 09:26 Thu 18th Apr 2013 | News
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And if such drugs are classed as illegal how can they suddenly become legal in only certain locations such as Brighton, which is already called the Gay centre of Britain?


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You must admit that AOG gets attacked on a daily basis regardless of what he posts. If he said it was Thursday,today, the same old faces would argue the point, accuse him of reading the day off the front of the DM. I was wondering why he bothered the other day. Guess he'd miss it and I know the lefties would.
17:49 Thu 18th Apr 2013
AOG - I am not being patronising, and I suggest that you know that.

I am not setting myself up as a sopkesman for anyone on here - individualm group or gender.

I will always defend anyone who is being attacked unfairly, and I maintain that as someone who is hyper-sensitive to rudeness, it does not reflect well on you to be rude to others - regardless of how much you perceive them of 'deserving it'.

I can give as good as i get with anyone, but I have never yet ben castigated for being unpleasant - wheras you seem to have virtually cornered the market in this type of approach.

If you do not feel that a simple apology to another AB'er (regardless of gender) is appropriate, than that is your choice - but the evidence remains on the thread - you attacked someone who was not rude to you, then attempted to defend it my referring to another post from another AB'er entirely, and used a post that was added after yours!

I should quit while you are behind on this one.
I agree with your remarks there, andy.

Remember the Battle of that could have been "in my day."

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just read your post, /// AOG - that post was from MadMen not Ummm, so you ire is being pointed in the wrong direction - ///

Yes I was quite aware of that, when I put,

/// And also Andy when one gets such lying posts aimed at one, one tends to get very annoyed. ///

I was just using that post as an example of what is throw at me, which obviously you expect me to take on the chin, without any reply.

In Ummm case she tried to cry my argument down by bringing poverty into it, when poverty wasn't part of today's problems that I was criticising.

Anyway I am signing off now after a long day, meet up with you again soon, God willing.
I assure you AOG that the very last thing I ever expect is for you to take anything 'on the chin, without any reply'!

See you tomorrow - have a good evening.
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/// I should quit while you are behind on this one. ///

Having now read this latest post from you I just couldn't give you or anyone else the opportunity to say "that told him".

/// I will always defend anyone who is being attacked unfairly, and I maintain that as someone who is hyper-sensitive to rudeness, ///

hypo-sensitive to rudeness, you obviously have not read the rudeness I have had to endure on this site, anything from wishing me dead to advising me to go to the doctors, where were you when I was being attacked so unfairly?

/// I can give as good as i get with anyone, but I have never yet ben castigated for being unpleasant - wheras you seem to have virtually cornered the market in this type of approach. ///

That is because you follow the rest of the sheep, whereas I have opinions of my own and will not change them just because the rest of the 'Left' don't agree with me.

/// you attacked someone who was not rude to you, ///

Please tell me what it was that was all that rude?

Well said Andy. That told him!

Oops, sorry, crossed posts... :-) xx
where's he gone.........?
I think it's fairly rude to asusme that I, or those who disagree with you in general, are "sheep". I read the Times mostly, and also mostly disagree with it. I too have my own opinions, but hope instead that they will change when necessary, when I'm shown to be wrong.

I think it's dangerous for you to assume you are not a "sheep", though I'm not meaning to call you one. But you do seem to post a lot of news items here from the Daily Mail and believe what is in there to be a fair reflection of modern life. I don't think it is, and I think your believing that picture suggests that you are guided by the opinions of others more than you admit.

Not that this post was about poverty, but some of what you said earlier does ring true by the way. I don't want to insult today's poor, but even so the "poverty line" has got a lot higher. I think that's a good thing, though. Poverty was a far greater issue in your childhood than today. Even so there are today still many people, far too many anyway, who are seriously poor.
AOG I am not in the business of yah-booing, that's childish, and you know I am bigger than that.

"That is because you follow the rest of the sheep, whereas I have opinions of my own and will not change them just because the rest of the 'Left' don't agree with me."

It is precisely this kind of provocative attitude that irks others, who reply in kind - except it seems to be just you who turns and cried foul constantly.

"Please tell me what it was that was all that rude?"

I already have - please check back.

If you feel the need to lash out unprovoked at what you perceive to be rudeness and hostility from others, maybe you need to ask yourself why?

I have never ever come across anyone else on this site who gets into so many arguments about being 'attacked', 'provoked' etc. - maybe you need to examine at what may the cause of all this conflict?

It takes two to make a row - it's just that in the case of the AB, one of the two is yourself with utter regularity.

Occasional AB'ers fall out with you occasionally - you fall out with a lot of AB'ers on an almost daily basis.

Perhaps you could learn to just let some things go? Not everyone is out to 'get you' - it is only you who seems to think so.

Anyway, hoipefully this will not be met with another personal attack against me. i have defended you, only recently if you recall - and i am one of very very few ever so to do - maybe you should remember that before you rattle off another hostile response in my direction.

Like i said - have a good evening.
AOG //Unlike you I never did "experiment with well much everything" perhaps that is the reason I often say "things were much better in the past" and "it never happened in my day"//

You brought it up, not me. I was just saying things weren't better in your day.
@DTc - Love this simile, DTc - v.droll :)

"(earlier on!) I love the concept of AOG being a spokesman for the fairer sex. That's like Caroline Lucas being a spokesperson for British Nuclear Fuel"
With all the comings & goings on this post no one has mentioned tackling the drugs problem at source, for instance what is being done about the drug cartels & the vast fields of Poppies & Coca that are purposely being grown throughout the world to supply the illegal drugs. I am aware that the Americans tried burning Poppy fields in Afghanistan but I believe they were stopped because of '' the poor farmers'', should these be tackled more vigorously in order to try to get rid of these drug plants once & for all ?

@WR You are right that tackling the source has not been mentioned in this thread, and you mention Afghanistan as an example. How would you propose that we reduce the growing of poppy over there though? As it stands, the farmers there barely cover a subsistence living growing crops other than poppy- they turned to growing cotton during the last 2 seasons, for instance, having been guaranteed a market and fair price - only to find no takers, so they are having to stockpile their crop rather than sell it.

And even were the cash rewards not great for growing poppy - they are often coerced at gunpoint - so how to we police this? Especially when we are pulling out our troops in 2014?

And look to Mexico - An all -out assault on the drug cartels by the government - police, army, support from the US - despite all this might, the cartels are still thriving, and we get mounds of corpses, dumped on major ringroads around Mexico City.

Whist their is a lucrative market, with a false value by virtue of the prohibition and illegality raising the prices, you will get people producing the stuff - and you just cannot police it.
You must admit that AOG gets attacked on a daily basis regardless of what he posts.
If he said it was Thursday,today, the same old faces would argue the point, accuse him of reading the day off the front of the DM.
I was wondering why he bothered the other day. Guess he'd miss it and I know the lefties would.
@Svejk Well I appreciate the point you are trying to make a point - but no, no one would rebut or challenge AoGs posts if he was merely stating facts.

I have no objection to him posting, he is free to air his views, just as we are equally free to rebut, challenge, clarify or agree with his points, as our own opinions dictate.

No, svejk, the "righties" (surely a neologism) like aog being on here, too. He is a source of constant interest, not to say entertainment, and a fine spokesman for his generation.
I expect we all perceive the world to be a better place when we're young. I look back fondly on the easy-going hippy days of the early seventies. Youngsters defend the current age when we all know 'its gone to hell in a handcart'.
For what its worth I'd welcome any fresh approach to the drug 'problem'. They've been trying the current one for 40 years and it aint working.


Now seen your post from earlier. I passed your 'irony test'!

But AOG, out of interest, why the reference to Brighton being Britain's gay capital?
I think the heat may have driven His Gitship from the kitchen!

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