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Was it right for him to be detained over such a trivial matter?

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anotheoldgit | 15:20 Sun 26th Feb 2012 | News
68 Answers

It would seem that in 2012 Britain, the great British sense of humour is frowned upon so much so, that you can be detained for it.

/// commenting on the ease with which a woman with her face covered by a hijab, another form of the burqa, had walked through security controls. ///

/// As he placed his scarf and other items into a tray to pass through an X-ray scanner, he quipped to an official: ‘If I was wearing this scarf over my face, I wonder what would happen.’ ///

/// As he went through security where he hoped to meet up with his two grown-up daughters, he was confronted by a woman official who said he was being held because he had made an offensive remark. ///

/// He said: ‘It was impossible to get her to listen to reason. We were then joined by a second female security guard who stated that she was Muslim and was deeply distressed by my
comment. ///


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The whole hajib thing is taken from the report in the Mail- so the fault may be with the reporter not knowing the different terms for items of Middle Eastern dress.
17:39 Sun 26th Feb 2012
pmsl...again! you provide such putrid entertainment.
-- answer removed --
<idly drums fingers> and there was me thinking because it's called AB,you might get...
shall we try to guess what the next 'woe is me' comment...or am i too late already? x
Or another thread started.
we do seem to have reached the martyrdom stage a little early this time!
in respect of the op - yes. serves him right for making such a ridiculous and judgemental comment. had the 'gentleman' really been privy to every part of the aforementioned passenger's pre-flight checks? most probably which case his comment is ridiculous and he deserves to be told off. idiot.
It may be me - but there's something that sounds wrong about this story. I don't doubt that this chap was detained, and that it was of major inconvenience, and it would seem that the airport staff certainly took things too far...

...but as reported, his comment doesn't make sense. A hijab doesn't cover the face - just the hair. So for him to say that, at that point - just doesn't fit. 

If the Muslim woman he was referring to was wearing a niqab and had sailed through, I'd understand the comment - but that's not how it was reported. (This could be down to a mistake made by the journalist - who knows?)

Also, when you're going through that part of the airport, the point at which your identity is checked is at passport control, not where you're being scanned for prohibited items. Therefore, isn't it possible to go through with a face covering anyway?

Perhaps the airline official was riled by the subtext of what this gentleman was saying, which effectively was "Look at that - preferential treatment for the Muslims", when in fact, that wasn't the case?

What this story proves is not that the PC Police have cornered the market in po-facedness...

No - it proves once again the mantra that I've always told my friends:

"Before you arrive at the airport, wrap up your humour in industrial strength cellophane and bury it at the bottom for suitcase, because no matter how funny you think you are, the little Hitler in the polyester uniform has the power to totally screw up your holiday".
Absolutely, RH, what n utter numpty this idiot was. And then the story is good cannon fodder for the "Lets remember we are all British (well if we are of a certain Anglo Saxon origin) and this jolly well isn't British" folk to comment on - the story being irrelevant and mere paper filling for the Sunday newspapers.

Did the DM comment on the tragic coma that Prince Friso of the Neths is in, for example, an awful avalanche accident that puts in perspective the lucky girl in the papers and on the Beeb earlier this week. No I guess, just one example of a number of other more pertinent stories out there.

No this story was cannon fodder, of the quasi-EDL crap we expect of the DM and occasionally the Sunday T.
The person wearing the Jihab would have still been required to put all loose items into the tray. Is wearing the Jihab any different from us wearing a jumper?
im finding it hard to work out why aog gets so up in arms about the tiniest remarks said to him on here and somehow manages to find them all offensive, abusive or insulting, then when someone is deeply distressed by someones remark he thinks its just a humourous comment and it was wrong the guy got pulled up for it......

i assumed your opinion is that its wrong aog.....
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/// You quoted the hijab in your OP. If you don't want us to comment on something leave it out of the OP. ///

I may have quoted an extract about the hijab from the DM, but at no time did I quote or state what the lady did with the hijab.

A hijab could be used to cover anything including the face.

So the woman may have covered her face with the hijab, who are we to say she didn't?
That is classic form for him, every weekend and an awful lot of weekdays, pdust.

Almost as if he is Atlas with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

2nd paragraph of OP
>>>>a woman with her face covered by a hijab<<<<<

Your quote, not ours aog
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//// aog are some of those quotes from another thread? thats cheating! ///

Accusing me of cheating now, totally uncalled for, each and every one of those quotes can be found on this thread.
THEMOTLEY1, //>>>>a woman with her face covered by a hijab<<<<< //

//Your quote, not ours aog //

Surely the newspaper's quote? AOG has accurately copied what the newspaper published.
*A hijab could be used to cover anything including the face. *

dont be daft, it couldnt be used to cover an elephant...or numerous other things....
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/// Your quote, not ours aog ///

Please read my 16.17 explanation to ummmm.

Perhaps to be fair an apology might be in order.
aog mentioned that "at no time did he QUOTE or state what she did with the hijab" I was just identifying where he quoted it

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