You seem to have absolutely no idea what constitutes proof do you?
Picking out a number like this and parading it about as evidence without context is about par for the course though
Shall we try some context?
The Murder rate is at it's lowest in 12 years (or it was at the begining of the year)
down from 644 to 619
So you would expect 12 murders so 14's hardly shocking
If you would like to actually try something a bit more challenging that the Mail perhaps I could suggest this parliamentary research paper - you'll like it, it backs you up
A bit
The murder rate in 1952 *was lower" about 400 but the population was lower too about 50 million as opposed to 62 million today
So there were about .8 murders per 100,000 then compared to about 1 now
It's significant and regrettable but reading the Mail you'd think it had doubled or trebled