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meaning of a Dream

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nannon | 18:14 Wed 05th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers

Just notice the below link and thought i'd ask...

i have had two horrible dreams the past two nights, if anyone could tell me what they meant i would be grateful:

one is that in my dream i'm asleep and walking round but i cant wake up and panicking, but in real life i was also trying to wake myself up but couldnt for ages. i was really disorientated when i did wake up.

The second is that me and my sister were in a house (we live together in real life) and a man was there - hadnt done anything but wouldnt let us leave and had a gun. we were in bed but it was like we were on top of a hedge and had to stay still to not fall. She held my hand and said dont worry and asked the man to go to the toilet and then performed sexual acts on him to protect him and then i woke up in tears. It really upset me and couldnt sleep all night after.

All of my dreams have had guns in them recently its horrible cuz i dont like going to sleep recently.



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I sympathise - I have similar dreams to the one about your sister. I'm the oldest, and I have dreams where I am trying to protect my siblings from evil men - we are usually running away and jumping over fences or trying to get away in a car! The sexual aspect is strange - I'm not a dream expert by any means, but I think it maybe that you are just worried about your sister and feel you need to protect her in some way but how can we really?

would be interesting to hear someone else's experience, view..

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it is weird. She's the oldest to i suppose it would make sense she is protecting me. we havent been getting on at the mo so maybe thats got something to do with it. (BTW, its meant to say to 'protect me' not 'to protect him' in question!!)
deary me nannon, how upsetting. hope these go away, they sound very distressing. i have some dreams like this..the kind where there is abuse and you feel you cant tell anyone 'cos its just too nasty...i feel wierd about why i would dream about this...i think its because i get soooooooo upset about stories in the papers about abuse and thats why..dunno..dreams are very powerful aren't they?

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