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Stabbed: The Truth About Knife Crime

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Sasha-2008 | 09:30 Wed 21st Jan 2009 | TV
19 Answers
Anyone watch this on BBC1 last night??

What were you thoughts at the end when the mother of the young lad who got killed decided to open his coffin at the funeral so other could see what damage knifes do.

Also do you feel that it should have been shown on tv??


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Hi Sasha,

Sorry I didn't see it, I'd have watched if I'd known it was on, however, I hope that doesn't mean my opinion on the matter is any less relevant.

Bravo to the mother for having the courage to open the coffin to the nation. I don't have a problem with that per se, particularly since we see death and murder pretty much every night on the news.

Do I think it will make any difference? No, not really. The people with the mentality of carrying a knife around with a view to using it on someone (why else would they be carrying a knife?) are people who lack compassion and consideration for others and are generally nothing more than thugs. I honestly can't see them sitting infront of the TV thinking "Oh, if that's what it looks like to stab someone, I'll just not do it", because it was never in their thought process anyway.

Although the 2 are very different, I kind of liken it to smoking.....the manufacturers are putting pictures on the packet of cigarette's of the damage that smoking does, but that doesn't stop me from doing it.

However, if she has got through to one person by showing us the damage, then it's got to have been worth it.
Question Author
Thanks for your views Lakitu.

Yes I feel so was very brave to have done that, but like you say I'm not sure it will make any difference.

They were talking to a lot of youngsters who carried knifes who said that they only felt safe when they had their knife on them, especially ones who live in areas where they can't even cross the road for fear of treading on someone elses teritory and risk getting attacked.

What kind of world are we living in?? The youngsters say that the attacks happen so quick that they don't even realise they have taken out their knife to stab someone until it's too late. Its like its 2nd nature to them.

They even sent a 13yr old out to buy knifes from different shops, and it just showed how easy it was to get hold of one.
I hadn't thought about the fact that some feel they aren't safe without one, so I'll concere they aren't all thugs, but nevertheless the intention is there all the same.

I agree that it's too easy for them to buy a knife, and maybe that should be concentrating on - target the cause, intorduce heavy fines to the seller.

I can't get my head around carrying a knife, knowing my luck, I'd probably stab myself in the thigh / bum LOL.
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Yes I know what you mean about carring a knife. It's like anything illegal, I would have such a guilty look on my face I would never get away with it.

It's scary thought to think about the amount of people you walk past in the street who may be carrying a knife or some kind of weapon. Anyone could attack you at anytime, and we would have no way of defending ourselves.

It's always the innocent people who get caught in the cross fire.

LOL, I know what you mean about the guilty face, I can't walk past security without looking guilty and I've not got anything to be guilty about!

It is a scary thought to know we could be attacked for daring to walk in an area that I 'don't belong to'. It's a shame, some of these kids are bright and with a little help could do great things with their life, but social circumstances don't allow that for them.
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Yeah your right many of them are bright kids who could go far in life, but unfortunatley they get caught up in the wrong hands or feel forced to be like their peers in order to fit in.

I really thought that others would have responded to this Q, but obviously not. lol :)
Am I boring you? LOL ;o)
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lol no not at all. Sorry didn't mean it like that. Just thought that others would have also wanted to have their say.

Maybe its just me their ignoring. lol
If you're going to carry a weapon you'd best be prepared to use it, if you're not then you're intended victim will take it off you and use it against you.
I hate knives and ALL the people who carry them the only answer is a long stay in prison if you're caught in possession of one as there can be no excuse for carrying one, unless you're a butcher etc in which matter a case of a specific nature should be utilised.
I've come across knives in work twice personally and once with a colleague, the only advice I can give to ANYONE who witnesses people having a fight is to call the Police and keep out of it until it's over.
Question Author
123, you say about a long prison sentence, but people who murder others do not get long enough in prison. life should mean life.
And one more thing don't let so called intelectuals con you into thinking that these postcode firms (gangs) are old, THEY'RE NOT!
They are brand spanking new (with the exception of certain parts of Scotland) we ned to stamp down and stamp down hard now or else we'll all pay the price later with our lives our children's lives and their children's lives.
Gangs in the past revolved around music, schools, football clubs and friends.
Yes most definitely.
Question Author
I totally agree with what you say 123. If we don't act now then the world will be worse then it is now in years to come.

But what more can be done? Lets be realistic here. The police are acting on knife crime. Do you think thay could be doing more?
It's down to the courts and the prisons to deal with this as much as anything.
Community punishments don't work for violent and intimadatory offenders.
I'm of the opinion that once you start going around tooled up that it's too late for you and that you should go to jail.
But it might'nt be too late for your mates who decide 5 years in the nick is not an option for them and maybe being a plumber is no bad thing.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a hang em flog em kinda bloke, I'm all for rehabilitation and education just so long as it's done inside.
In the absence of the death penalty life should mean life.
The trouble is with these people is that they care only about themselves, and once caught they feel sorry only for themselves.
The killers of Antony Walker are often heard to remark that this has ruined their lives, it did'nt do him any favours either.
Question Author
Yes life should be life, once in prison they should stay there.

Many criminals whos crimes are only small go to prison, and then come out even worse then when they went in. They come out more clued up on crime then they were before.

I know, Sasha, I was just teasing you ;o)

Hi Everton, this is something I've wondered. There's been a few times I've taken a knife to work with me to cut the birthday cake for a colleague........say I was in an accident en route and the police saw the knife, would I be charged with posession of a dangerous weapon despite my innocent intentions?
Question Author
Police are doing a lot of stop and search just lately. So if you were walking to work with a knife and you got stopped what would happen??

I guess you would have to look suspicious for them to actually stop you tho. So I guess that means that Lakitu & I would definatley get stopped. lol :)
Not a particularly P.C way of thinking about it these days but what some of these people need is a short sentence, on a short rope. However thats not likely to happen in the near future nor are things going to get better with a system that seems to sympathise with more with the offender them the victim and kids carry guns and knifes as a matter of course. I'm old enough to remember when people were sent to Jail to be PUNISHED and the sooner the courts remember this the better for the general public
Hi Lakitu, what sort of cakes do you eat that would require a knife so lethal? LOL.
There are people like carpet fitters for instance who would find legislation cumbersome, tough.
As I said on a different thread there is a tendency to romanticise crime, criminality, criminals and murderers in our culture.
Watch "The Shawshank Redemption" and you may see what I mean, Morgan Freeman's character (Red, I think) was a killer.

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