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ladyshy | 10:55 Fri 19th Jan 2007 | TV
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Who gives a flying bleep?!



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Erm sorry... still not getting the morning thing. Oops.
Not me!!!
No me.....bloody sick of hearing about it

A bunch of fools stuck in a
when bb is on i fix the channel 4 button on my remote so that when i flick the channels it skips channel 4 so if i want 4 i would have to punch it in which means i cannot happen on bb by accident, apart from bits of series one i have never watched even one minute of bb a record i am proud off, a group of strangers in a house and that is interesting? i suspect only those of a very low iq would enjoy such bilge
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I've never watched any.

Furthermore I refuse to acknowledge that any pleb in that house is representative or me or my thoughts.

And it is taking the p1ss when I wake up in a foul enough mood having been out and listening to people talking about the brainless muppets, having gone to sleep last night with four channels showing extracts of it to then come on here while drinking my coffee to two ******* questions on it when I need genuine help with my grumpiness!!!!

It's chewing gum for the brain people... get over it. It's pathetic in the truest sense of the word.

And while you're at it.... Desperate House Wives, Ally Macbeal, Sex and the City and anything else of that ilk is a huge pile of horse sh1t too...

I think I still need work on the morning person thing....

i HATE it!

why is there so many blooming reality shows on at the mo. even worse are the masses of shows that involve 'celebs' who i have never heard of b4!

it really sparks the debate about whether tv is dumbing us down doesnt it?
I have never seen one minute of it and never will,why do they put this crap on ? who gives a ducks fart about a load of never will be t0ssers, I certainly don't.
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There's a 'debate' about whether TV is dumbing down?!

Wow.... I'd have thought that was a fairly open and close case.
most intelligent people do think its obvious that telly is getting ridiculous but hey there are 4million ish people in this country who have been watching bb and obviously think thats enough intellectual stimulation they need!
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I hear they invented an 'off' button.... there should be a public announcement.

Right... I really need to work... And possibly smile.

I'll check in later to see if this question still exists.
I do its a form of bullying and no one should ignore any bullying. You wouldnt be happy if someone said they didnt give a flying bleep if a child was getting bullied at school.
I agree with MiniN, I have seen adverts for some really stupid reality shows lately and just shake my head and think FFS!!

I dont watch tv much as it is but I actually watched BB last night just to see what was happening cos I wondered if the clips I had seen from it on the news and stuff were blown out of proportion or one sided. It was the longest hour of my life :( Never again, i would rather watch paint dry
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Like the kind of bullying some newbies receive on here?

Or indeed some of the oldies?

Much of which is rarely commented on.

I think my sides just split.
Hang on the newbies dont get bullied they come on here being total pratts and we just all agree, that is not bullying. If we did then all newbies would be treated like that and I myself treat them all the same. If you dont give a flying beep why you put a thread about it?? You asked I told you and gave my opinion, surely your sides just splitting is the same as the stupid little girls laughing at Shilpas point of view
It's funny that you should post this this morning because I was only looking on BBC News to find out what the whole story is about. I've not watched a single episode but keep hearing about it.... and what a load of exploitative media nonsense!!

Anybody with an ounce of self-credibility would not consider going on that show so in fairness it's their comeuppance for doing so.

It's pure car crash TV at its best and it's morons with the mental ability of Jade Goody who entertain this show.

Utter drivel if you ask me.
Sorry I take that last comment back, I know from past threads you aren�t as stupid as them. But you did ask us who gave a toss and I said yes, because in my opinion I do. Yet you laugh at my opinion because its not the same as yours. Sorry I didn�t agree.
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The thread is a knee jerk reaction to questions about BB. If I wasn't so grumpy I probably wouldn't care.

The post is not about bullying on BB. Go discuss that in Sam or Helion's threads if it interests you. While your there, discuss why C4 continues to broadcast it... answer is it gets a reaction. It's not showing up social attitudes in British society, it's publicity.

I give a flying bleep about the amount of attention and focus that is put on this drivel. Attention and focus that could be spent on making programmes about bullying and racism by people who actually know something about it and have genuine ideas on how to stop it or why it happens.

Newbies not getting bullied? Well, that's another thread in itself. Whether you do or don't I don't know, but you're certainly defensive about it, which means you've probably at least noticed it. I wasn't making a personal accusation against you, it's just something I've noticed. But the 'we all agree'... well, that does speak volumes. If I took it out of context.
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I wouldn't be sorry you don't agree, it'd be boring if we all had the same opinion.

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But this thread is not about the bullying. It's about second rate television.
if people would stop watching it it would go away what do people see in it anyway i know of people who base their whole evenings on watching it why?

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