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Christmas past

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tiggerblue10 | 23:20 Mon 15th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
When I was little my family and I used to go to my great-aunts for a very large gathering. We don't do that anymore as everyone has grown-up and got faimlies of their own. Christmas doesn't seem to be Christmas anymore.

What things do you miss about your childhood at Christmas?


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I can hand on heart say that I miss believing in Santa. That anticipation on Christmas Eve, not being able to sleep with excitement (even though I knew going to sleep would mean morning would come sooner), looking out of the window to see if I could spot him, the pure excitement of seeing my stocking bulging with gifts in the morning.

Oh to have those days back.
Do you know what, I completely agree with you, we used to have family parties a lot, and now it seems everyone is too busy with there own lives....and christmas is more about money, I was writing xmas cards out the other week and was rushing them like mad I stopped and thought im doing this more out of necessity rather than taking my time, writing what I wanted to say and meaning it......dunno whats gone wrong, but sumink has somewhere!!!
Nothing really christmas wasnt made that wonderful to me and many others,thats maybe why i dont get it sometimes,hang on remember the frugality of it and not the consumer driven want christmas that now exsists!!!
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For me Xmas in the late 70's early 80's meant a large gathering with all the kids watching The Wizard of Oz and then dancing till the wee early hours. Oh and advocaat with lemonade and Babycham. Yes my mother allowed me to drink alcohol when I was little! Lol

Now there is only about 5 or 6 of us and we just play cards or Monopoly into the night.
Awww, we still get together as a family, I think we're more nuts as adults than we were as kids LOL. I guess I'm lucky we still all do that.
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We still gather as well Lakitu but its mainly immediate family. Its usually Boxing Day when we do the rounds to other relatives.
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Awww sorry Doc x
i cant get into the xmas spirit this year,its the first 1 since i lost my dad in september we always used to gather at my parents on xmas day for a big family traditional xmas,its just not the same anymore for me im afraid,and puddicat that is so sad....x
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Sorry to hear that Stoke x
Oooh you have put me in the mood for a snowball now!

I used to get those to drink at Christmas and New Year as well - from a very young age - I think around 5 or 6 - I don't drink that much now really, so I guess it never did me any harm.

I miss the excitement as well, I remember my friends and I being so excited that we couldn't even speak. Not that we really got a lot compared with today. I could carry all my presents upstairs in one trip. But it still felt like loads. The best feeling was waking up and feeling the weight of your stocking at the bottom of the bed.

I was one of 7, and my parents had to count every penny, but they still managed to make it magical for us all.

I remember setting fire to our christmas lists and sending them up the chimney to Santa. Were we the only ones who did that, or did anyone else do that?

We all had to go for a run round the block before dinner to get some fresh air and to make sure we had an appetite for our dinner.

Now there tends to be just the 4 of us for Christmas. :o(
i agree missing Santa is the greayest loss and all that goes with it. I miss meeting up with all the family. Its a tough time of year remembering loved ones no longerwith us> am not a mad fan of xmas anyway as i feel it is too commercial. I liked visiting cribs midnight mass and the christmas panto
Your loved ones wouldn't want you having a sad day, would they?

I'll be spending the day with my Dad's side of the family, he has 2 bothers, 1 sister, they all have their partners and their children, who have their partners and children, it's quite a crowd. We always toast Granda (Dad's dad), it's usually followed by a joke that he would be complaining about the snow or the lack of football on the TV or that he mightn't have even made it in time anyway since he drove everywhere in 2nd gear and 15 mph LOL.

Remember them with fond memories xx
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Why is Christmas so money orientated these days. My mum asked me what I wanted and I said I didn't know. Then I remembered I needed some new cushions and a vegetable rack. Lol
its ok tiggerblue,i guess we all have a tale to tell eh?but on a personal level xmas time was always a family time as me and my brothers and sisters were children,a magical,happy, exiting time filled with laughter but as the years went by as we all got married,had careers to follow,we always tried to get to our parents house for xmas day,i missed a few due to my work commitments,but my xmas presents remained unopened until i returned home sometimes as late as march........somehow the xmas lights and the magic of xmas will never be the same for me.
I am just glad I have my grandson around, he's 9 and unlike me he does not believe in Santa, but he is going to pretend just for me
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Awww Dot, you gonna leave Santa a mince pie and carrot for Rudolf?
tigger, you can't break a tradition like that, he's had a pint of lager aswell for the last 25 years and so better get some in lol
Our youngest, who's just 9, still partly believes in Santa. Whatever, we always leave a mince pie and a glass of sherry outsidre - plus a dish of milk for Rudolph. Last year, my husband painstakingly went outside and made some "hoof imprints" near the back door!
I don't miss anything from my childhood Christmases, because i try to recreate them for out children. Love it!
Aww cute! How does he create hoof prints?

I can't wait to start a family and create magical Christmas'. There's only 1 or 2 gifts I remember receiving, I just remember it being so magical.

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