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The Zone Of Interest

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sp1814 | 13:52 Sun 11th Feb 2024 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers

Not a question - more of a recommendation.

The best film I've seen since All's Quiet on the Western Front, a couple of years ago is The Zone of Interest. 

A film about the Holocaust which simultaneously isn't and is about the Holocaust.






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Ah, a trailer/ad.

I don't get to the cinema much, but thanks for the tip.

This is the film about the people who lived in the house at Auschwitz isn't it?  It has excellent reviews ... and that house is still there.

A touch of 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas ' methinks. A German language fim with an English Director. I look forward to seeing it.

Ah, I don't speak German, and wouldn't go to a cinema to read. So, enjoy if that is your thing.

It is poignant when you see the beautifully kept and manicured back garden and note the black smoke of the Crematoria in the background doing its ugly business.

Yes got a touch of BITSP about it.

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Yes - this is (apparently) loosely based on a book by Martin Amis about a the family of a commandant of Auschwitz who lived in a house that bordered the concerntration camp.

The house is beautiful and the family live an idyllic life but you never actually *see* anything that happens in the camp - you just occasionally hear things (screams, the sounds of the furnance, guards shouting, dogs barking).

And looks 100% real - like they used 1930s film stock. The production design looks note perfect and the script...bloody hell. It's the first film of that time that's really made me think about how casually some Germans treated the Holocaust.

Absolutely stunning film (mean that literally - the audience left the the screening room in silence).

...but yes - it's subtitled so if you don't like that, the film's a bust.

Will check out The Boy In the Striped Pyjamas.

Read the book if you can, SP.  The film is good too.

I've seen that house.  I've often thought it was the setting for The Boy in Striped Pyjamas.

It sounds very much like The Boy in Striped Pyjamas.  

Agree the boy who befriended the boy in the striped pyjamas is described as living in a house on or bordering the grounds.'s been years since I read the book.

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Thanks naomi24

I'll add the book to my list before streaming the film on Netflix.

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