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The fast lane flashers

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Loosehead | 18:39 Tue 11th Oct 2005 | Motoring
27 Answers
You know who you are! Anyone prepared to own up and explain why they think someone in their way is likely to respond positively when they get up your exhaust pipe and flash their lights. This happenned to me the other day I was on a dual carraigway and I saw a faster car in the mirror and was just about to get over when the car flashed at me. So I stayed there and held them up by getting next to a truck and matching it's speed about fifty, the driver behind was getting more and more furious, plonker! But I was about to move over, clearly not promptly enough for this moron. What in there wildest dreams makes drivers think that flashing there lights at you will help?


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They don't think - that's the whole point!

Anyone boorish enough to drive like this thinks only of removing obstacles - no thought of another driver who has equal rights to road space. Just put it down to stupidity, and let them go - not worth getting in a stew about.

You've got  style, there are some annoying people on the roads, think that once they've passed their test, they own the roads.
I have MAJOR problems with people who overtake in the fast lane and then stay there. I am a biker and so obviously faster than the guy infront, but still they don`t move. That is the only time I flash my lights, or put them on high beam to blind them in the mirror. Sometimes I flash them if they cut me up, or don`t signal first. A lot of people think they own the road, but when someone else makes a fuss about their bad driving, then theyr`e the one with the attitude!
Yes Andy, clearly some people DO think they own the road. I'm sorry but people flashing their lights is my biggest bugbear, and it's not necessary in any circumstances other than an emergency. If the vehicle in front of your bike doesn't get back into the other lane quickly enough for you - tough! If you have to flash someone to get out of your way, you are probably going over the speed limit anyway. I do a lot of motorway miles, and on the odd occasions I have been flashed (can't rfemember having been flashed by a bike, usually w****** in BMWs), I've already been going way over the speed limit, so the flasher has no reason to go any faster than me anyway.

I don't blame you for flashing people who cut you up or don't signal though, as this is almost as annoying, especially if you are the sort of responsible biker who makes themself clearly visible to traffic (wearing hi-viz etc) and doesn't ever cut between two lanes of traffic
Sorry bit generally I don't have a problem with this. I drive a lot about Glasgow and many people on the M8 isist on sitting in the middle or outside lane at 50 or 60 mph even when the inside lanes are clear. I do not like to undertake and so a polite flash often reminds the forgetful driver that they can move over. I do agree that I don't like the idiot who constantly flashes when you are overtaking at 70mph in the outside lane.

What's really the point of holding someone up just for the sake of it. I've been fortunate never to have experienced this situation, but in all fairness, they could be in a rush for any kind of emergency...

If the left lane is free, move over - It won't kill you and you won't experience road rage and if it is a kn*bhead then they'll do it to someone else in 5 minutes. You're not going to change someone by holding them up, only make them more aggresive for the next person. You don't seriously want some nutter following you after you do that, do you?

And have you never been held up by someone going slower than the speed limit? Say a tractor with a big queue behind or a grey haired sunday driver at 30 on a main road. If you say you haven't, I don't believe you.

Just a little footnote here. Have you considered that the person may be Police or Military surveillance?? They have to get point to point very quickly in plain cars and plain clothes. It just may be. In the current climate would you want to impede them if following a terrorist???

Also, loosehead I disagree with you which having read lots of your posts I think it may be a first.

If your intentions were to infuriate the driver behind I would consider that much more dangerous than mere fast driving. He (or occasionally she) will then take unnecessiary risks. Road rage is a terrible thing and I would argue you have contributed to it.

Surely it would be more satisfying to pull up behind the driver at the next set of lights and have a smug look on your face.

Flashing your lights is for letting other drivers know you are there. That is what he was doing. Telling you to get the hell out of the way because he is travelling fasyter than you!!

Loosehead, you have disappointed me. I drive fast, but I drive safe. I am NOT a boy racer and DEFINATELY stick to the speed limit in built up areas.

Being in a rush for an emergency is no justification for breaking the law.  It could be (and I'm sure often is) argued that the motorway speed limit in the UK could safely be raised, but until it is 70mph is the maximum permitted speed, and if you are travelling at 70mph in the outside lane AND traffic in the middle lane is travelling slower, then you have every right to stay where you are and the flasher will just have to lump it.  If, on the other hand, the middle lane is free or travelling at the same speed as you then you shouldn't be in the outside lane anyway. 
I don't have a problem people flashing me as long as they do it from some distance back.  What I don't like is when they're right behind you and then start flashing.  People forget that the outside lanes are only overtaking lanes and should be used accordingly.  I hate people just sticking to the middle/outside lanes when the others are empty and quite often they're doing 50-60 in a 70 as well.

I think it's an old-school thing. My Dad and Uncle do it, and although I don't like it, they are not being malicious. I think may be years ago it was a relatively standard way of saying 'do you see me cos you may need to move in a moment, thanks!'

PS He doesn't drive a BMW and he's not a ****er.

Well yeah, as the highway code states - flashing your headlights is "to let other drivers know you are there" so i guess if the guy in front is ambling along in tunnel vision mode, its ok  to flash him from a distance. I also agree though if your overtaking and someone is up your @r$e thinkin he's a mobile disco - then they deserve to be ignored and wound up !.
And why do bikers assume the 70mph limit on motorways is for cars only? They might have quicker acceleration but once they get to 70mph they should stay there.

Anyway Loosehead, the lorry is bound by law to stick to 50, you are not. It could be interperated as you being a reckless driver and intentionally infuriating other drivers on the road.

I think there are a couple of different groups here there are those who flash you after sitting behind you for a while to remind you that you've forgotten to pull back in and there are those who come screaming down the outside lane and furiously flash you because you happen to be overtaking in their lane. There really is nothing as infuriating as being flashed when you're overtaking yourself.

The Police argument doesn't hold water because they've got blue lights behind the grill that they can use to identify themselves and get people to move over.

Mind you some of these flashers are probably in a justifiable hurry, they've probably just heard that the last disabled parking space at Tesco is about to be taken

Maybe this is to try and get past when your hogging the fast lane? I don't flash people to get past but I find it much less annoying that someone crawling along in the wrong lane
I often get flashed in the inside line! There is a huge road near my house, but the speed is only 40 MPH & there is a speed camera (with good reason as LOADS of people have been killed on this road over the years). I therefore always stick to the speed limit. I often find that I get flashed and occasionally hooted by other drivers who then impatiently overtake me. At that point the speed camera flashes and I sit there laughing my head off as the impatient driver suddenly slams the brake on.
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Now listen very carefully especially Geordiesteve, "I was about to pull over" I wasn't "Hogging" the lane.

Ward: Sorry I have dissapointed you but you see my irritation in this case, I agree it was a bit naughty to block him but he was such a plonker I couldn't resist. On and police etc have hidden blue lights for this purpose and they don't generally drive like total T*&s

Bikers: I too am a biker(R1), and cars hogging the out side lane is a pain I don't do that, in fact I don't do anything that I don't like myself.

Shire: my car is a BMW and we are not all the stereotype you portray.

Thanks for your reply's everyone!

jake the peg   surveillance cars DO NOT have blue lights, even hidden inthe grills!!

Further it is NOT an offence to fail to pull aside for flashing blue lights. The offence is only failing to stop if you are required to do so.

I am not trying to be a Clarkson wannabe, but speed DOES NOT kill!!

Driving fast in conditions like the wet or fog or in built up areas with pedestrians through inexperience or a unsuitable car (i.e brakes/tyres etc) or not wearing seatbelts KILLS not speed.

Disregarding pedestrians for the mo a head on with two cars travelling at 40mph will still cause a helluva mess. I am not a physicist (?) but isn't this the same energy as a car travelling 80mph when it crashes on his own???

Therefore death will occur. I hope you understand what i am trying to say!

loosehead we typed at the same time. Weird!!!!!

It's wrong to flash unless someone pulls out to overtake just infront of you nearly causing an accident or is sat in a lane when the could cleary pull back into a lane on the left which is clear.  (Providing you are driving at a safe speed within the speed limit)

Lets face it though if some num nuts hasn't already noticed you approching i.e. buy not using their mirrors as intended, then unless it's night time their not likely to even notice you flashing your lights so its a waste of time.

If they have used their mirrors and have pulled out anyway then they are normally the sort ignorrant **** that is a danger to everyone on the road and could well cause an accident - at best they will just try an annoy other law obeying drivers.

So as we can see it's best not to flash - this is the approach I take and I never have any problems.

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