I declared christmas had started and polished off the majority of a bottle of bailey's. I filled my glass but put it down, aware that i could not deal with another.
When I woke, my dog was going round in circles, dribbling and knocking into the wall and sockets. I looked towards the tv to see the cables had been chewed. It all made sense - she's suffered electric shock! So I ran to the bedroom to wake MrAc, demading an out-of-hours vet immediately. He was tired and basically told me where to go.
I was upset, and turned to Google for 24 hour vet numbers. Tired of being on hold, I reached out for that glass of Bailey's I put down earlier......
then it hit. My dog is drunk! I tried to take her for a walk, but it was pointless, she kept falling over - and my neighbours were staring at me (like they knew!) So I got her home, gave her water and tried to bribe her with food. I ended up sleeping in the dog basket with her as she wouldn't keep still. She puked all over me. Worse than dealing with a drunk teenager! It was an interesting phone conversation to work as to why i was running late