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My Son Was Arrested !!!!!

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ferlew | 23:10 Tue 09th Jul 2013 | Law
63 Answers
Because he couldn't sleep, and called on a friend, they went to a 24/7 Asda.
3am, looking for bargains.
Suspicious behaviour???
Ruddy police, nothing better to do ??


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Will report in tomorrow, night folks. is a worry for you...especially if he is trying to live an independent life.....must be on your mind a lot.....
Sleep well if you can and I think a chat with some local police officers might be an idea.
Let us know how you are...night...x
In what way is he a vulnerable adult?

If it is just because he has pain management problems then I don't see how that can have an effect on arrests.

You can be stopped for looking suspisious. The police, seeing two (male) adults wondering around the streets at 3am is suspisious especialy depending on what clothes they had on, so I am not surprised they were stopped.

The difficulty in the story now is why were they kept in the cells all night? What did they say/do when questioned that made the police decide a night in the cells was in order?

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OK, it appears to be a rather farcical turn out.
Very briefly, someone in his block reported 'suspicious behaviour' because said son couldn't sleep, and was out in his little shed cleaning up some old, but good quality tools he picked up at a car boot sale.
Monkey wrench, Yankee screwdriver, that sort of thing.
Well, off they went to Asda, and were picked up less than a hundred yards up the road.
Where are you going at 3am?
What for?
Cat litter.
Why didn't you go during the day?
I prefer shopping at night when it's quiet.

Then they searched him.

Why are you carrying a torch?
Because it's 3am and dark.

and so on, and so on.
All perfectly true answers, I guess they thought he was trying to pull a fast one. Part 2 in a moment.
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So at the brand new 'holding suite' they were booked in and the desk person was very nice with them.
Pal was strip searched because he kept setting of a metal detector thingy, it was his.....errrrrr.... manly piercings that were setting off the alarms.
Anyway, they were fed and watered, treated very well by all, and told mid morning, that's it, you can go, no charges.

Hells bells, the more I re-read this, it looks like a desky post.
Every word is true.
I hope he didn't have his tools still in his pocket...
Ah, crossed posts sorry. I was expecting the tools to be part of the reason for the arrest
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My son had the small monkey wrench, and a torch, he just showed me them in an evidence bag. They gave them back.
In that case surely the arrest was reasonable and justified?.
I'm glad it's all sorted ferlew, though I think the police were a bit extreme.
Reminds me a bit of this sketch:
Question Author
Thanks GrahamW, glad it's all flipping sorted.

Not sure about your post Orderlimit, 'going out equipped to screw or unscrew small objects'???
You sound better, Ferlew.... glad it's sorted....and I hope I am never stopped and searched....what is in my handbag since I was mugged is my business!..;-) x
Was your son interviewed at the police station ferlew?.

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Yes he was, and obviously they were satisfied there was no intent.
They just said to him, you can go, here are your effects.
They had just fed him meat pie, potatoes , veg and gravy too.
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Thanks Gness, I think I was more upset than him.
All is well now I have had the chat with him today.
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Gness, I have a fold down pair of secateurs in mine, (and a diddy torch) it would take me a few minutes to get them out of my bag, out of their pochette, unfolded. Wonder if that constitutes 'going equipped' ?
actually with respect, that sounds like quite a sensible response by the police....they may have thought the lads were safer with them than on the street.
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Ok thanks.

What I mean by justified and reasonable is a police patrol respond to a call from the public and find 2 persons at 3am, who are searched in accordance with the law and find one carrying a torch and a tool. This in my opinion warrants further investigation including questioning the pair separately and the law states one or more questions regarding a persons suspected involvement in an offence constitutes an interview The interview has to be done at a police station and recorded on audio-tape unless certain conditions apply which also has a safe guard for the suspect.

The police need to check for any reported of crime or further reports coming in and conduct inquiries with the person who reported it etc, the list is endless. After 2 people have been separately detained they then have to be interviewed to see what they have to say and whether it matches up.

Among other things I carry one of those cheap pots of ground pepper. When my daughter started going out on her own I made her carry one too....her response was.....Goodness, Ma...what do you want me to do to an attacker? Season him to death...:-) x

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