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Cat Food

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roadman | 17:19 Thu 09th May 2024 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers

what are the dangers of a two year old cat eating cat food for seven years plus friend got the wrong bag 



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Absolutely none at all.  While a sustained diet (over a long period of time) of the 'wrong' type of cat food might not provide sufficient nutrients for your friend's feline companion, a single bag of 'senior' cat food won't do any harm at all.

No danger at all.  

No it won't harm your cat, but a two year old needs different vitamins than an older cat.  Maybe buy the right box and alternate the food until it is finished.  

None most likely. My 8 year old cat loves whiskas kitten dry food. He loves it, it's not his only food. Besides, I'm his slave.

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Cat Food

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