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Dont Ignore The Children

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lynbrown | 20:56 Tue 13th Aug 2013 | Family & Relationships
22 Answers
Yet another bus journey home ruined by a young mum who spent the whole time texting on her phone. She looked up occasionally at her little girl and barked out threats and instructions about sitting properly etc in a voice I wouldn't use to a dog. I was desperate to say " Pay attention to your child and put the phone away" yet was scared I would get a mouthful. This often happens and it is heart breaking to see young children so ignored. The poor wee girl tonight just sat, uncomplaining, and singing a song. I told her she was a lovely singer as I left my seat, and I wondered if she ever has a kind word said to her.


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I too notice young mums with their youngsters and babies all the time,no attention paid to them whatsoever and it is heart-breaking,their whole world seems instead to revolve round their mobile phones even when pushing prams,pushchairs etc their focus is on the screen when crossing roads weaving along pavements,round supermarkets etc.
I'm sure she has. She sounds fairly happy, if she was singing. Not all parents are perfect all the time.
I see it as well Lyn and it is sad, or mums are shouting, another of my hates.
Snap lynebrown, I so wanted to say something in Asda. Child "mum'd" 6 times, mum was chatting to pal, she berated the child for nagging.
Although its unlikely, lets pretend that your young Mum on the bus had a poorly Mum herself and was texting her sister for news. It was making her stressed and impatient with her daughter......possible isn't it?
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Maydup, I know where you are coming from and would like to believe that may have been the case. But somehow, the mum's attitude towards the child was totally unsympathetic. Chances are she herself had been roughly raised and was passing this on to her own children.
I was in Asda a month or so ago. I wasn't in the best of moods, a tad stressed out shall we say.
Anyway, was waiting at the pharmacy for my prescription to be ready and a young lady came and sat next to me with her child, who was on reins.
The child asked for some chocolate. Mum said no - fair enough.
The child asked again. Mum said no. - again, fair enough.
The child asked a third time. Mum, shouted at the top of her voice, "if you ask again you're going to get a f**king smack on the ass.

I, not being quite 'with it', turned to the woman and said "why would you say that? You shouldn't threaten your child with violence".
Woman turned to me and said "f**k off you interfering bitch. I'll f**king give you a slap in a minute. Who do you think you f**king are"?

I cannot begin to tell you the rage that built up inside me, but all I could think about for the next few days was that child. To think a mother could speak to her child in that way, in public, makes you wonder what she's like behind closed doors. It really played on my mind :-(
they may have just been on a big day out, been on the swings or rides or to a play centre... that may have been the first minute the mother had to sit down and send a few important messages.

just saying, you don't know what was going on.

while i agree that parents should pay more attention and should not speak to their kids in such a rotten way, i have also seen that with some kids you have to raise your voice as if you don't they will not do as they're told.
There was a time when kids were left outside in their prams and ignored while mum got on with the chores. Or older siblings were left in charge of younger siblings.

That doesn't seem to happen nowadays. I think children are less ignored. The 'seen and not heard' attitude has gone...

Also, people are far too quick to judge. You can't determine someones parenting skills by one bus journey.
Listen to Ummmm, she knows what she's on about... :-)

I just think that people who judge other peoples parenting have conveniently forgotten what it's like to have a bad day.
I saw a woman slap her child cos she couldn't afford the choccie bar the kid was nagging for.
She was at the counter in front of me paying for 60 fags, 2 flagons of cider and a bottle of vodka.
If she was buying that much there's a good chance it wasn't just for her.

Shouldn't slap children like that though.
Never thought of that. Perhaps the poor woman was having a party.
Maybe and maybe the child had already had their sweets for the day. I always told my kids that I didn't have enough money for sweets.
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But do you think it acceptable to use the F word to small children? I don't and it is a sign that the parent is under stress and probably needs help. It could also mean she is a strung out junkie, needing her next fix at the chemist.
No, I don't think it's acceptable to swear at children.

// It could also mean she is a strung out junkie, needing her next fix at the chemist. //

It could also mean that she's had a bereavement and is struggling to cope. That's just as likely...
The same situation bothered me the other day. But only because i was behind two mums trying to steer pushchairs one handed while texting with the other, both trying to squeeze through a shop door. If they'd have taken a moment to look up they'd have noticed me, muttering watch where you're going you stupid cows.
I don't think the two mums I encountered were junkies.
whatever the reason that parents maybe stressed, there is never an excuse to swear at children.

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