when people fire a gun in the air, as in point the gun towards to sky and fire, like a warning shot. surely the bullet has to come back down, isnt it very dangerous? what happens to the bullet when its fired? cause im thinking it could kill someone...right?
Several people have been killed, I don't know how many.
The time taken for the bullet to come back down, and where, depend on many things. The calibre, the angle it was fired at, muzzle velocity, wind speeds at different heights, air pressure, to name but a few.
It comes back down at a terminal velocity controlled by the gravitational pull of the earth. This is nothing like the velocity with which it travels as emerging from a gun - perhaps one-twentieth of it.
I remember people being killed - I think in the Middle East - where people were shooting randomly in the air at some celebration. I often wonder what happens as military funerals when they fire a salute - are those blanks?
Done to death on MythBusters. It's a myth, barely bruised in their tests and would not have killed, certainly wouldn't have broken the skin. Tried with many calibres from 9mm to a 50mm round!
When I was training to be a NSRA coach many (30+) years ago, our instructor told us of an instance in Sutton Park, Birmingham. A family were out having a picnic, when suddenly 'Dad' slumped forward, apparently lifeless. Sure enough he was dead and the post mortem found a .22 bullet in the back of his head. After some investigation, they found that a bloke had been shooting pigeons on the other side of the park, missed, and the bullet had gone sailing over the top of the hill and hit the Dad in the back of the head. Actions and reactions!!
You have to remember the cartridge gets left behind and its only the lead pellet that travels. As mentioned above once it reaches it maximum height it falls to Earth under gravity at 32ft/s/s.
when holidaying we went on a shoot that the hotel had organised, we asked the bloke 'what if the pellet bounced back off target? he said that woudnt happen, then it was my turn ....lol