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good idea or not?

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slc123 | 18:54 Sun 28th Feb 2010 | Family & Relationships
45 Answers
if im 16 and i really want a baby and so does my 22 year old boyfriend, by the time im 17 and he is 23 do you think this is a senseible age to start trying for a baby? if i live with him his mum and step dad and their is enough space for a baby, and + me and my boyfriend would have been together 3 years by then... good idear or not? HELP please!!!!!! : ) also he does worrkkk =) and i want to work in a shop like tesco's or something of a kind whilst at college then when ive done my college course go into some kind of childcare work : ) like nurseuary or something
is this sensible???


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Always a pleasure, Brenda
Sorry, got as far as ' me + my boyfriend wuld have been together 3 years by then' and realised we were discussing paedophilia and I am not an expert on the law.
Questions to slc -

What rhymes with bumbled and is also the name of the bald bloke with glasses, who was the store manager in 'Are You Being Served'?
( well almost his name anyway - oh, and you may google if you prefer )

and secondly - Why?????????
rumbold? (didn;t need to google it)
hi QC, all is very well in the world of paranormal ta. The 3rd DVD of series is on release today. We have the premier next Sunday, bit late but had to be postponed due to illness.

slc, so you really expect everyone to believe that both you and your friend are moving in with boyfriends and their parents? lol

If she's 16 , I'm one of Dian Fossey's gorillas! -


Is it just on dvd only, redcrx, or on a cable/sky channel too, at the moment - if so which one - day and time going out - would love to catch it.
Question Author
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rather childishhhh their arent you. believe what you like.
it will be on sky 201 (unexplained channel) once the whole of first series is complete. Did you know it takes 3 hours at least for each hour of filming. We have up to 8 cameras running at any one time as well. So with everyone having familys and full time jobs it can take a while to get each investigation complete.

3 are currently in production and 3 are complete so shouldnt take too long.

did you see the promo clips i had up?
Thank you slc (stands for "silly little childish" man with bald head no teef etc ( you know the rest ) - you can light a fag and sulk now by the way.

Redcrx, i did indeed - and may i say what a handsome bunch you are too
- trailers looked really good, so thanks for that info. Fully understand that filming can be very time-consuming, but if the shows are great entertainment, it must be satisfying for you all to see the end product.

Well done to you all.
good god know !!!!! my daughter is 18 i had her when i was 19 far far to young !!!!
whilst i never regret having her if i had my time over i would of waited till much later where i could of been in a position to support her finacially a lot better.
i had to work 3 jobs from when she was 2 months old just to keep our heads above water!!!!
you have all the time in the world enjoy being young and the freedom it brings find out who you are !!!!!! before you have a child it will change your life forever and not neccessarily for the better !!!!
Morning zzxxee
Seriously love, are you for real?

This is not a good idea at all. Have you thought about the kid? You live with his parents so you are unable to provide a decent home (Strike 1). You want to get a job and go to college whilst looking after a baby (Strike 2). Your boyfriend is a nonce by shacking up with a child himself (Strike 3, you're outta here!)

PS That wasn't a rant at people who have found themselves in the situations above, but more of a question. Would you have deliberatly put yourself into them?

Let this child see how much hard work and effort goes into having a baby, it's not just coffee with mates and the occaisional dirty nappy. It's sleepless nights 'cos she's teething, it's fishing toast out of the brand new dvd player, it's using the last few pennies in your pocket and going hungry just to make sure little'un gets the birthday present she's been after, it's sleeping on a concrete floor in a hospital family room co the nurses haven't got a spare bed for you to crash in whilst your daughter is in there. It's all these things and so much more.

And the hardest part, the most difficult thing is, you can't walk away. You can't just say "screw it, i've had enough. I quit" This is the ultimate job for life.

Get over yourself, grow up, and when you're ready to have children you'll know. (Mainly cos you won't be asking a bunch of strangers "is it alright if my pedo boyf gets me up the duff?")
just go with the flow have a child......give up college(as you will have to as you will be too tired to concentrate).......get a job in tescos......also wouldn't be for at least a few months after having a child .......really you are far to young as you have no idea on how hard it is to bring up a child....sleepless nights...wish you all the luck in the world (or your friend)been together 3 years!!!! omg what was a 19 year old doing with a 13 year old .....i better not say anymore
Morning jugs and cherry
good morning quentin
D'ya think I was a bit harsh?
I for one do not think you were too harsh ,it is fact ,although the post is crap ,it would show any other child looking for answers to be able to see it is not in their best interests to have a child so young

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