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Child not sleeping

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italy06 | 01:54 Mon 12th Jan 2009 | Parenting
5 Answers
I have a 16 month old son who still dose not sleep throught the night. I can understand if he wakes up and wants a drinking but 9 times out of 10 he just wants to be held then drops off to sleep again. He can do this up to 6-10 times per night. Am i expecting too much as i am a first time mum or could there be something else wrong??


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i have 2 boys now aged 2 and 3 and i had this with both of them at some stage and i think alot of parents do to. the trick is not to give in to him. if he gets upset go into him lie him back down and maybe stand and pat his back gently, but without talking to him. then gradually go into him and lie him down give him a kiss and walk away. i think my son done it just to make sure i was still there. once he seen my face he was happy. my advice is not to pick him up, if he is toon upset lie him down and maybe hold his hand, then gradually start just lying him down without sitting with him. my sister in law had the same thing with my niece and she used to put one of her tops or something that smelt like mummy in her cot and that done the trick with her. cause she could smell mummy she settled really well.
kids are smarter than we give them credit for, i think he has basically just got into the habit of waking and shouting for you and you instantly come.its just the case of breaking the habit.

even my child who is six gets into these habits at times he went through a stage not too long ago,one night he woke up screaming having had a bad dream so i comforted him and took him into my bed beside me then he procedded the next night to do the same thing ,he done it for about 4 nights in a row and i had to put my foot down as i knew he was just doing it to get in beside me.
I firmly believe that you should never ignore a crying baby.

If your son simply needs assurance that you are there, go in and lean over his cot so he can smell you, and rub his back gently, or his tummy if he is on his back. The combination of your smell and touch will reassure him that you are there. Try to avoid speaking to him if you can, unless you murmer very gently and quietly.

Make sure there is a night-light on, so if he opens his eyes, he can see you.

These simple remedies should help to reassure him, and he will grow out of this - they all do.
My son is 17 months old and is the same. Like yours, he can wake 5 or 6 times each night. We find as long as we go in and lay him down and tuck him in he's usaually fine. Occasionally one of us needs to stay with him until he's definately asleep. It can make for a long night but hopefully he'll grow out of it soon. He was doing better in previous months, and we suspect, though most of his teeth are through he's suffering a gradual extension of his teething phase which may not be helping. Hang in there...
there's been a few posts like this, the official line by many doctors and health visitors is leave them and let them cry, i tried this and it took a couple of nights but he now knows nobody will go in to see to him but he now sleeps right through and is so much happier during the day now as he isn't tired

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