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shyblond | 21:33 Mon 30th Jun 2008 | Family & Relationships
51 Answers
i have been with my fella 4 6 years now and he has asked me if i would contemplate going to a swinging party. Our sex life isnt exactly great. What do you think. Does it ruin a relationship?


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yep sure can depends on if you really want to or if ur doing it to make him happy and if ur the jealous type i personal think it's weird but what ever floats ur boat
Bl00dy hell - I would never share my husband with anyone whatever the circumstances.

The thought of swinging is vile to me - if you need to resort to this you are maybe not right for eachother.
hmmm if he is suggesting swinging I would have alarm bells ringing
yep - i'm with you on that one cazzzz.
If you've been with him for 46 years, then he's not a fella but a grown man.
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maybe it does. What alarm bells though?
was this out of the blue or did you know he was wanting to swing? Its up to you what you do but if your sex life isnt exactly great why not try spicing it up between yourselves before taking a big step like swinging?

I think I would flop my fella if he suggested it to me, or faint, or faint then flop him lol but each to their own.
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well it was a bit out of the blue. I mean we watch blue movies together lol
Wouldnt even go there...I know a couple that done sumink similar and they both ended up jealous and started fighting, needless to say they split up not long after that....your name is interesting.."shyblonde", maybe you should try and get more confident in the bedroom department...allthough if my fella said that to me, I would take it as an insult and and send him packing or should I say flying out the door!!!!
I would take it that he wanted permission to sleep with other women thinly veiled as swinging. I would imagine he was feeling bored, maybe a bit depressed, wondering if the grass was greener ect...
I think watching the blue movies made him curious and have given him encouragement to experiment outside.
it might work for couples who are very confident of each other, but you sound just the opposite. It won't solve problems but in your circumstance it's highly likely to cause some. Try sorting it out between yourselves first.

lol at 'unhappychick' pointing out 'shyblond's username...
It can ruin a relationship or it can greatly enhance it! (so I've heard!) However, emotions get involved when sex is on the agenda and it's a dodgy road to travel. So be very, very careful before you agree to anything.
I don't think you can really love each other if you swing...

Aghh sod it... if it don't kill ya it'll make you stronger lol
ok call me old fashioned but whats a swinging party ?!! been married 18 years btw
Where you go to someones house where there are a few other couples there and swap partners for sexual gratification.

A swinging party is a partner swapping sex party.. to put it bluntly.


The very fact you have asked this question shows that you are not comfortable with the idea, and if one person in the couple isn't comfortable with it then don't do it

swapping partners is something that can only ever be considered if all party's are 110% comfortable with the idea, if they are not then doubt will creep in and it will hurt your relationship!
I can tell you from personal experience, it's a very dangerous game to play,
Leave well alone.
fantasize by all means but let it stop at that.
ooooh logic - naughty boy!!
didnt have you down as the kind of guy who fries his sausages in a different pan....

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