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Braxton Hicks

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warpig3 | 10:40 Mon 19th Nov 2007 | Pregnancy
7 Answers
Following on from pyschicks comment, they are false labour pains arent they? I am presuming I would know if I had them, apologies if that sounds a bit thick but blu3wave called me a bimbohead the other day so I must be one, lol.

Also, where is everyones bump at? Now that I have one it interests me. Mine seems to be well below my belly button and from side to side as opposed to up and down (hope that makes sense).

Also, I never knew what the inside of my belly button looked like until now, how bored am I?


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lol if you are this bored now, what are you going to be like in a couple of months time? lol

Here, this will keep you busy for a few minutes....... lhealth/physicalhealth/braxtonhicks/

My bump is huge and lively! Its all at the front and quite high up, with belly button towards the top. (lol can you believe I just sat there studying it to be able to answer? lol )
Yes, I suppose they are 'false' labour pains..however what they really are, are the uterus contracting in preparation for the real deal.

If we didn't have them I suppose not only would the uterus get a bit of a shock when labour starts..or we would!

Mine used to get quite painful ~ despite the books telling me that they are 'uncomfortable'. Of course they were still noting compared to real contractions....*ouch*.

My bump is huge..although there isn't any baby, I just thought I would answer that question too ;o) LOL
Braxton Hicks make your tummy feel all tight. Sometimes they can be a little painful (I found especially around the base of my gigantic bump). I had them the second time round, from about 20 weeks, but only had one set in my first pregnancy 2 days before I went into labour.
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Funnily enough I woke up last night at 2.30am (don't usually wake at that time) and there was a party going on in my tummy and I wasn't invited! The piglet seemed to be break dancing and I must admit it really amused me.

Have to nip out now, have to go and sign on :-o( Wouldn't mind so much but its a 4 hour round trip on the bus just to verify that I am 'unemployable' and that they wont give me any money.

C'est la vie.
Not sure I rally qualify as having a bump just yet, I just look like I am a bit bloated! It all happened in a matter of days though, I could wear normal clothes and then suddenyl I couldn't - I haven't been able to do my jeans up for a week, but maternity clothes are too big at the mo :-(

I am 21 weeks tomorrow (have my scan tomorrow - I am so excited!).

I guess I should look into this Braxton Hicks thing as I am not sure what they are. I have felt movement during the past week and all day Saturday and yesterday it seemed to be in the same place, it wasn't painful asuch, but I could feel it there. I'll be glad to have the scan tomorrow and know all is ok :o)
braxton hicks arent always felt. I went straight to contractions (painless as they werent doing anything).

I think that they get worse and earlier with every subsequent pregnancy though so i expect to get them this time around.

My bump is huge. My other half even got away with telling a salesman that i was hevily pregnant so they got me a chair yesterday lol. And people keep asking if im having twins as im not due til April pmsl
oh and your bump may well be below your belly button but the uterus will actually be above it now, by quite a way. That explains why your belly button is disappearing lol

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