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AB Editor | 15:12 Thu 31st Mar 2011 | Weight Loss & Dieting
157 Answers

These threads: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1003149.html can now go here as can any dieting and weight-loss questions!

All the best,

Spare Ed


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Might be bad for me too I have my grandson here a few days this week .Will have to put a zip on my mouth .Got to have treats in for him and he loves bacon sarnies and cream cakes.and choc. (woops not altogether)
Im thinking of getting Visualisation Hypnotherapy,where I would be hypnotised into thinking I've had a gastric band fitted. I like SW and alwas lose weight but my willpower lets me down everytime. Any thoughts on the matter? Thanks.
I like SW and always lose weight but my self control always takes over. Im thinking about being hypnotised into thinking I've had a gastric band fitted. Any feedback welcome. Thanks.
I wouldnt want to go through any kind of surgery in order to lose weight. Its not natural. Im on SW and I assure you, if I can do it, anyone can !! Just ask my OH
Woohoo! I've lost 3lbs this week which makes up for last weeks poor show.

Hope everybody else has had a successful week :o)
well done tigger. My scales are looking good to this morning so I will have to be careful today and not just sit around on here. A good brisk walk in the sun is forecast for later when Ive got some housework done
Nice one TOH x

I'm off down to Crystal Palace Park later as its such lovely weather. Need to make the most of it before I return to work on 3rd May, which I'm not looking forward to. Hope the weather stays like this until then.
Well done Tigerblue - I maintained this week, which I'm pleased about as both Jim and I have been laid low with really horrid coughs. So neither of us have been up to preparing meals and have just been grabbing whatever took least preparing (not good on a diet). I went to the docs with mine on Monday as I was so bad and she said it was broncitis and gave me anti-b's. We're both on the mend now so I hope to do better next week. Oh, but I'm away over will just do my best and plenty of walking.

I hope you all have a lovely time over the Easter break and that you aren't too tempted by the Easter Eggs. :-))

Onwards and Downwards.
well done JJ for maintaining.Im also still getting over a cold Ive had for 4 weeks now so I know what you mean.
I will also have to be careful this weekend as we are going to stay with my sister in St Albans and visit my son in London, so there will be a bit of eating out and drinking. I dont buy easter eggs so Im ok on that score.

Have a good easter anyway xx
Morning all and well done Tigger. I have lost a pound at last probably put down to doing a lot in the garden so now I have caught up with garden I will be careful but I won't lose that other stone by the end of May but as long as I don't put on . Jim don't worry I had a long spell of staying the same but I kept at it and I know you will too. Don't think I could tackle surgery either best to see your results yourself what you have achieved.
At least you didn't put anything on JJ. I've got a bit of a cold which started on Monday but I'm trying to not let it ruin my healthy eating plan. Had a Tesco delivery yesterday with all my usual food so should be able to stick with it. Hope you get well soon and have a lovely Easter :o) x

Sounds good TOH. Hope you have a lovely Easter too x
Well done Wendilla :o) x
Thanks Tigger this is the best way to have all your food for the week .I went asda Monday and made sure I had everything then I won't stray. I have had to buy extra goodies as my grandson is here odd days but I told him to check the goody box as he calls it and tell me off if I have touched them .Bless him he will and he is only 8.Have a nice easter everyone.
You have a lovely Easter too Wendilla xxx

I haven't bought any eggs this year and none have been bought for me! Which is v.good.
considering it was a really bad week I am ok with my 2.5lb gain as I can feel its mostly fluid.... just weighed in last night, didn't stay to class as I thought I'd be better off getting back and doing some cooking so I have some tasty meals available when I get home rather than start from scratch... so I have a veggie frittata (slice with me for lunch today) and I have the dry ingredients soaking for my high fibre (scan bran) loaf... and a really chunky vegetable and lentil excuses next week... the move is over...Onwards and downwards...and well done the losers.....
Hi, Ok if I join your merry band?
I have been 'healthy eating' for approximately 8 weeks now and have lost a stone...not the biggest of losses but I have Plantar fasciitis and arthritis in my ankles so exercise is not too easy for me. That said I have started swimming this week [did 22 lengths last night!]. I would go everyday but I can't managed the walk to the pool yet, my brother has been coming with me so he drives us there! I try to walk my dogs for 30 mins a day but if I do that I can't do the walk to the pool as well....hoping that will change as the weight starts to come off.
Weigh in day Sunday!

Lisa x
welcome divegirl.. we have a wide and varied membership...even Ed pops in to tell us how he's doing....its good to just pop in and out for a bit of motivation too.
Well done again everyone and to me too. Im as pleased as punch. I thought I would lose ,some but 3lbs !! Couldnt control my smile. Only 2lbs to go to my 2 and half stone loss. Ive told her it`ll be ok next week as iM in a choc free zone all weekend and although I shall be eating out a lot, I will be really careful ( sez me ).
I put some cropped trousers on the other day and they kept falling down around my ankles., so Im going to have to try absolutely everything on before I pack them for the weekend. Great feeling !!

Good luck everyone and Happy Easter to you all xx
I know the feeling Theotherhalf. Most of my 3/4 skirts are down to my ankles so had to buy new for summer. So well done.
Welcome Divegirl that was my average a stone in 8 weeks. It is better to lose it slowly .These fast weight losses are no good as you put it back on just as fast ..
Thank you for the welcome!
I was just wondering if any of you use a food diary? I have started to use an online one and have to admit to being a little obsessed with it! I'm hoping that once I've done a week on it I will have most of my foods logged and it will just be a matter of filling it in at the end of the day instead of just sitting there saying 'OMG A pear has how many carbs!!!!!!'
I just want to know that I'm eating right....then I'll leave it alone1

Lisa x

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