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andiuk | 11:38 Wed 17th Apr 2002 | Body & Soul
88 Answers
What is the meaning of life?


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Isn't it 42?
Why should it have a meaning?
I agree it is 42.
to give life meaning
I saw '42' stamped on the rear end of a cow in a field quite recently, it was a very moving moment.
42 is the answer, but what is the question?
If you go to a site and find a centre near you and take a free Raja Yoga course, all will be explained to you. Om Shanti
Get born. Reproduce. Die.
The meaning of life, where does one start? I would define the meaning of life as achieving.......bit too deep for some eh? achieving what? exactly............
It starts when your'e born and ends when you die - and it's just one big rollercoaster ride in between!
I aint got a clue...........? If only i knew
Isn't the point of life to work that out before u die?(for urself)
why would it be 42?
The meaning of life is to live
Isn't the question the answer in itself? Central to life is the very search for truth and meaning. So the answer to the question "What is the meaning of life?" could very simply be .... 'What?' IS the meaning of life.
being watched...think about it
it may well be 42 - douglas adams was right about a lot of things. Homer on this page had a good point too. I think the meaning of physical life is to find out what it is. The truth is that we are here to learn, and once we can deal with minor - for they're all minor in the grand scheme of things - troubles, without anything throwing us off track or making us depressed, then we don't need to keep coming back to do it all again. I am. that is the best I've come up with so far. I am, and that's all there is to it. No one has control over you except you.
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The wisest man who lived, King Solomon at the end of his life summed up what he saw as the meaning of life. It makes interesting reading and can be found in the Bible. Ecclesiastes Chapter 12, verses 13 & 14 "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil." There it is, the 'fear of God' is not a scared fear but a reverential fear and respect. Want to know more? See
Who knows the answer, perhaps we never will. There are only two guarantees in life, you'll pay tax and you'll die. The rest is just a rollercoaster so sit back and enjoy it!

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