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Water infection?

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hunstanton | 21:10 Tue 04th Aug 2009 | Body & Soul
45 Answers
i have been suffering lately from numerous water infections, they got so bad i dreaded going to the toilet to know that i would be returning again witin a couple of minutes. i constantly feel the urge to urine now even when i have just been and i feel so dehydrated. whats the problem?


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Go have a p!ss.
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WTF grow up
LOL mailm.
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WTF grow up
How old are you hunstanton ?
Sounds a bit like cystitis. Cranberry juice helps, so try to drink a glass of it every day. It's not just a myth - scientific studies have been done to see just how it works which, I can confirm from experience, it does, and very well too (although you should still go back to the doc).

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ask your dad
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Girls girls girls, do behave and go to bed at once.
Female, late teens, recurrent urinary tract of the STD's come to mind.
wash after sex
Wow hunstanton - you come on here asking for honest advice and get a whole load of cr*p!

Sorry to hear you feel unwell. Those giving you hassle have obviously never had a water infection. It's the most painful thing I've ever experienced and is not a laughing matter.

First up - go back to your doctor. They need to send a urine test to the hospital to check whether it is a bacterial infection (otherwise antibiotics will not work). If it is bacterial then they will be able to target it with specific antibiotics. There are lots of different types of antibiotics - some stronger than others so don't let your doctor fob you off with the cheapest ones. I've had that happen and have gone back and insisted on stronger ones to clear the infection up.

Secondly, self-care can make a world of difference.

Ignore the advice about cranberry juice. Yes, cranberry has compounds that destroy the bacteria, but because the juice is naturally bitter they add tonnes of sugar - and sugar is the worst thing you can have - it actually makes the bacteria multiply and the infection get worse. So avoid cranberry juice and sugar.

Instead mix a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a half pint glass of lukewarm water and drink it down. It doesn't taste very nice but it will make your urine more alkali - it will take an hour or so to work through your body but when you pee later on it will sting far less. Have a glass full of this every couple of hours.

You can also buy sachets to mix with water from the chemists - they taste nicer than the bicarb mix above but cost more (and they both do exactly the same thing).

Water infections often cause a lot of aching pain, too - for this take ibuprofen or paracetamol (assuming you are not allergic to either). A hotwater bottle on your tummy and one between your legs will also help with the pain.


To prevent future infections the absolutely best thing you can do is to prevent dehydration by making sure you drink enough water during the day, cut down on your sugar intake and make sure you always wipe front to back after going to the loo. It sounds obvious, I know, but it's amazing how bugs can find their way to the wrong place and cause an infection! If possible give yourself a gentle rinse with plain water down there after going to the loo (use wipes if you are at work etc - Boots do 'feminine hygiene wipes' that are gentle).

It may also be worth having one glass of the bicarb mix every morning too - just to fend off future attacks.

Hope you feel better soon.
She gets a whole load of crap!!!

Read it again and you'll see what an ungrateful little cow she really is. I basically said two things on this thread, neither of which warranted the abuse from her. The first thing - asking about sex and age - was quite legit as she didn't say, and obviously the correct advice could not be given. The second was just a humurous reference to the fact that I couldn't help on this one, and then she starts laying into me, and then other people.

She's just a rude little girl, and I am honestly amazed you even gave her the time of day, let alone go into the detail you did.
Yeah, Mailmutt, but there are polite and there are rude ways of putting things, and quite frankly ... . And to be honest, is the best way of dealing with a 'rude little girl' really to behave like a rude child yourself? Fine example, I'm sure.

And you were joking? Believe me, this condition is nothing to joke about - it's bl**dy painful.

SRH - never knew that about cranberry juice. I drank it because my doctor recommended it and I like it - and it did actually work for me - cleared it up within 24 hours. I'm assuming that unsweetened juice is OK - which is alright by me, because I like bitter fruit tastes.
she was rude people were trying to help her and she told them to shut up. Thats not the way to get answers
yes it is horrible and I suffer from cystitus but you best hope she doesnt now tell you where to go
oh and the sachets take the pain away they dont stop the infection

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