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My private agony

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topogigo | 16:30 Wed 13th Aug 2008 | Body & Soul
45 Answers
I mentioned a while ago that i was having to have a circumcision. Then it was delayed for two months. I had it a week and half ago, under a general, and went home the same night. just as i was getting dressed there was a sudden spurt of blood from me a couple of times, real bad. Still the nurse sent me home.
After a week of swelling that eventually subsided it was apparent something was wrong, i had a massive haematoma (Blood clot) in my goody bag. I urged an appointment Monday morning and they had to operate straight away, or at least until the food i had eaten with their permission had run its course, 6 hours!
They put me under and got it out, but i have a drain in it now which is wholly unpleasant, uncomfortable and messy.
I think they wanted me out first time round because of infection, they rushed me and i have suffered for it. I am not bothered now, it will all heal, but it is a crap way to run things.
Incidentally my son refers to my second operation as "Scrotal Recall"


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Roystonevass - get back to your village. They're missing their idiot.
ahh poor you, I hope you are feeling better soon! Your sons reference to it was hilarious, although not a funny aituation!
as for lucy thomas, I think she is feeling the strain of having 3 kids, would maybe explain why she is being so arguementative and damn right rude with her comments...if you have nothing good to say, dont say nothing at all!!!
...don't say anything at all.
probably stressed because of the school holidays....
Sounds as if the experience was somewhat eye-watering, topogigo. Good job I only had to face childbirth instead of that!
Lucy.....silly girl
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Good Lord, this seems to have started a bit of a hoo hah.
Thanks for your good wishes folks. I am sorry that Lucy feels the way she does, but that is a failing of hers and not a strength. Perhaps if she were to imagine that she is not the only one to have some sort of discomfort in her life, she may make room for others.
The reasons i posted my story was adequately bore out by those that received it in the way i intended. I was making a comment about how i ended up returning for another procedure.
I am sure all of us on the AB can forgive you for your spiteful attitude.
I wont topo, Im a vindictive cud :D
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As you like it Madam!
Isn't strange how people can't hide their true colours.
And its amazing how easily some people can be wound up to the point that they do the very thing that they accuse others of.
Lucy...maybe you should be looking after your 3 kids instead of sitting on the computer...maybe they wouldnt be running rings around you
yes, you did get wound up at topo's post lucy..goodness knows why, other people are allowed to have medical issue's as well....
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So you were just doing it to wind me up, well you didn't, you were just being unpleasant.
Yes I did.
I didnt think Lucy was being unpleasant - i thought she was making a t!t of herself!
I am sure her children are very proud of her...
Yes, both my children are very proud of their mother.
I don't know why you think I'm stressed just because I choose to come on here and wind up you lot. If you didn't make it so easy for me I probably wouldn't do it.
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Roystonevass that was a bit naughty i think.
Lucy might have been unkind, but her kids are kids and are not due for abuse from you, you little maggot..

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