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girlygirl2 | 11:43 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
I'm so upset, my best friend is leaving the country to go travelling for 9 months.
Tonight is her farewell party, with all my old work pals, my fiance is invited obviously but he has just gone really mad at me saying if I want to go out then go out alone and he will go out with his mates, he wont give me any money to go out with either! FFS I'm pregnant, I wont even be drinking!
Why is he being like this?


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Sorry to say but I can hear loud alarm bells :( to me it seems he is trying to control you.....dont let it happen!!

My ex seemed to change over night when I fell pregnant, I recall a week or 2 after finding out, we were at a disco & I had got up to dance, when I sat back down next to him his face was blood red he said 'what the f**k do you think your playing at, dancing around when your pregnant' then he punched me in the face!!!! so dancing is bad but a punch in the face is ok???? looking back I should have walked away that night but didn't :(

I'm not saying its the same for you but please be careful xx as someone else said your self confidence is gonna be taking a bit of a knock soon so you need a loving partner to help you realise how special you are :-)
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It is really quite difficult to make a reasonable assessment of the situation and provide appropriate responses when the information is drip-fed. I risk the wrath of the FAB gang, but I think maybe we could put a lot of this down to irrational behaviour due to hormones and pregnancy?

And how is not lending money, controlling someone? I know we are only hearing one-side of the story, but is it all really one-sided on here today? The anti-man brigade protesting at the gates?!!
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Oct I think that is really unfair of you.
I'm not drip feeding you information, I have told you what happened!
I rang him and said that it was my mates leaving do and all my old work pals were going to be there, if I could get a babysitter did he want to come and meet her?
He was quite off with me, asking me if any guys were going to be there, I said yes but they were just mates I used to work and then he said if I was going to go out then he is going out with his mate about 20 miles away for the night.
That is exactly what happened!
So am I still being pregnantly hormonal?!
3 other kids

jealousy uncontrolable.

Oh dear oh dear....
Please refer back to the first answer given on this thread..........
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I can imagine it's a frustrating situation but he hasn't suggested you can't go out, just that he won't go with you. He may have been 'off' when saying this but so what? What's wrong with you going out with your mates and him going out with his seperately? Maybe he was asking if any blokes were going to be there to see he would have male company?

As for not lending you money, that does put you in an awkward situation and is quite cruel if he had previously said he would lend it, but you won't be drinking so won't need much, just ask to borrow a tenner from a friend. I don't really think he is trying to control you with money though, it sounds like you've spent your own money on whatever you want for yourself (as do I s no criticism) which you couldn't if he was trying to control you.
You going out to meet all your ex-work mates and him not going doesn�t sound unreasonable to me. My wife often meets up with her old colleagues and I rarely join them, occasionally I do, but mostly I don�t.

If as the first post suggests, he is indeed a b�stard, then perhaps refer back to the seventh answer given on this thread.
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I just wanted my friend to meet him before she leaves. It was up to him whether he did decide to join us but he has taken the wrong approach by saying "well I'm going out to ***** if you are gonna go out with them"
Why not just say, "Sorry but I'm gonna give it a miss, *** has asked me to go out and decided to do that"

He is just being horrible.
I say Kill Him!!!
does your mobile say that too?
So you don't actually want advice then? You just want to rant.

Glad we got THAT cleared up then.
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Is your boyfriend shy with people he does not know. maybe he thinks you will be off seeing old friends all night and he will have to make polite convo with strangers!

My boyfriend says he will join me places all the time, then as the time approachs changes his mind and can get quite annoyed about it! I'm sure its cos he can't be bothered to make friends with people and would prefer to be out with his mates.

Just one question how long have you been with this guy, you're engaged but he has never met your best mate???
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I have been engaged to him for about 2 weeks..........

He isnt shy! Trust me on that! Lol lol lol

And how long were you with him before you got engaged?
See, drip feeding!

I would break off the engagement until he starts giving you more money.
ROFL @ Octavius!!!

Regardless of how they've been together though, I don't think it's justified that she dumps the guy! Most men get possessive over their partners at some time or another. And vice versa. In this case it's up to girly to tell him to sort himself out!!

You don't need this cr&p at any time, least of all when you're pregnant. But this is your average minor relationship problem that you work through together. So why are you making a mountain out of this?
Does no-one find the uncontrollable jealousy bit slightly alarming?

How old are his other kids and are they with just the one person?

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