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sleepy1 | 19:53 Sun 10th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
why do men think they can treat women like rubbish and we will always come running ? im off men for life :( xx


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I don't think all men are like that, sleepy. Maybe you have just been unlucky! you never know though..your luck might change so don't give up.
Because, unfortunately sleepy1, so many women put up with so much crap (myself included on occasion). Men go by the ethos 'treat them mean, keep them keen' and will continue to do so while we carry on putting up with it!
men can run faster and for longer
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so many men are selfish they have tunnel vision with what they want .they say stuff mess your head up then expect you to be all over them .
Not all men sleepy, don't judge us all by the few wazzocks you have met, if you are willing to put up with crap some people will take advantage of it, so don't put up with it, if they treat you like crap tell em to swivvle.
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legend it has nothing to do with a married man . its what my ex has been saying to me over the years he has said im this and that . he knows i dont want to be with him no more but he still keeps telling me he loves me . its doing my head in cos it makes me feel guilty that i no longer want him . i was with him 17 half years . he can not accept its over .i dont like to upset ,:(
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I am not like sleepy the woman that I am going to marry next year has been treated with the utmost respect for the 3 and a half years that I have known her and she will be for the rest of my life
Yes I have been a bit of a bad boy in the past but those days are past me now and am looking forward to our wedding next year so much.
what, all men? really? i never knew this was the case. i love my man to bits, but now i know the truth as to what may happen in the future (as he hasn't treated me bad so far), i think i should just get rid. pppfftt. men are fab, and just as much of a pain in the bum as women, we're not perfect either!
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sleepy1, don't despair, there are some wonderful, loyal, kind and loving men out there. Men are, in my eyes, no worse than women. There are good and bad in both. The right one will appear when you least expect it. But until that happens, please don't condemn all men. That just wouldn't be fair. My lovely RATTER found me when I least expected it and when I was not wanting to be found. Luckily I had the sense to give him a chance and I have never regretted it. He make every day special! Best wishes :o)
I have never ever cheated on my g/f from the second that I met here and that is over 3 and a half years ago and have never wanted to and we are getting married next year and yes men can look but they learn not to touch eventually
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sorry i should not say all men i know there are some lovely kind men what are great ........just hope one comes my way some day .my ex is playing mind games with me .im just ignoring it now . if its over its over he should of treated me better over the years and maybe thing would of been better , but that's life .people learn from there mistakes .
That is a very honest post from you sleepy and can understand how you must feel but hey cheer up sleepy jean as we are all on here want to help you out, everybody on here knows exactly how you feel as they have all been trough it at some times in there lives and we all on here just want to cheer you up and we all love you babe
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thats very kind k9 . xx
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i have split .but feel guilty coz he says he loves me, i dont feel the same about him no more he is wrong to keep telling me . im just yucking sick of it all now , no wonder people just take of and start a new life if it was not for my kids i would be out of here for good ,

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