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Smoking ban

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lifeandsold | 11:59 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
51 Answers
If you non-smokers don't like the smoke in the pubs then you should either go outside or stay at home. Why ruin it for the one's who do enjoy it. I think the ban is just selfish.


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I don't like to talk ill of the dead, or anyone else for that matter - but we knew of a lady with the same opinions as yourself lifeandsold.

She was a chain smoker & had no respect for anyone else around her, whether at home, or in a pub or restaurant - even lighting up whilst you were still eating I might add!

She died of lung cancer last year aged 62.

P.S. We used to enjoy going to our local pub, 'specially for quiz nights, but I gave up due to the choking smoke which played havoc with my sinuses & made my hair & clothes stink!
LOL at curlyfilm
What was the question?? you have just made a statement compiled to insult non smokers!!

Now run along and stop being a irritating little fool!!
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Not at all. I could say that the other questions supporting the ban are just to wind up the smokers. Get a life you small minded halfwit!
Curlyfilm, I agree that car fumes do us harm as well!! but transport is far more a necessity than smoking, being purely for pleasure
lifeandsold, you are just making yourself look very silly, lol
If you want to smoke while drinking, get some drinks in and stay at home.
Well lifeandsold, you are very irritating :) but I like you anyway. If you are stuck for somewhere to light up you can come round to my place and smoke (IN THE GARDEN!)

I agree that car fumes can do harm too - even though I drive nearly every day - but having someone puffing away in very close proximity to you & breathing in their cigarette smoke really isn't very pleasant!

I am really confused? Lifeandsold are you really so selfish that you are unable to see that it is unpleasant for other people to be around your smoke? Yes, we could all stay at home, but why should anyone have to? If I sat by you and gave you a pill you didn't want every 10 mins which could give you cancer, you wouldn't be too pleased would you...?
Perhaps lifeandsold is the new editor in another attempt to bring some strong discussion to the site, while not really believing it
lifenandsold, you obviously have no respect for other human beings, which in itself is very sad. Perhaps you also have no respect for your own life? Maybe you just don't realise that every time you inhale cigarette smoke you kill off healthy cells in your brain. You chose to smoke and what you do with your own body is your responsibility. However, others in public places where you smoke also are forced to inhale your cigarette smoke. Hence, by smoking in a public place, you are also killing off THEIR healthy brain cells. They have no choice in the matter ... YOU HAVE!!! So, rather than pleading ignorance, why don't you show some respect for others and stick to smoking in your own home ... if you don't have children and a non-smoking partner that is. If you want a good shock, just get a neurologist take a scan of your brain and show you the damage smoking will have already caused. It may just wake you up to how precious life really is! Not just your life, but everybody else's as well!!! Smoking is not a necessity for life, it is a life choice and one that endangers our physical life at that. Socialising is a necessity for a healthy minded human and does not endanger our physical life. So, it is not non-smokers who need to isolate themselves, it is clearly those who still chose to smoke. But, I doubt the penny will drop as perhaps, in your case, too many brain cells have already died. I hope not though.
I have recently given up smoking and even when I was smoking I would always go outside when in someone else's house or in a restaurant when I wanted a fag. However I have read somewhere that the chance of catching lung cancer from passive smoking is less than the risk of eating a pork chop a week. While I don't necessarily agree with this, I do wonder how the stats are compiled - surely no one can say from sure how someone with cancer contracted the disease when there are so many variables?
Lifeandsold, I am a smoker in Scotland and I enjoy having to go outside to smoke! The pubs are all a lot nicer to sit in and there's some quality banter happenin outside! There's also the added benefit of saving money by not going throuhg your fags at the old rate of 2 per pint which means added savings to your cash flow at the end of the night.
Car fumes are a seperate issue altogether and I believe all non-public transport and non-delivery vehicles should be banned! Shopping should all be online or onfoot and car dependancy should be a thing of the past. The cars are doing more damage to the environment than ciggies ever will!
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People, people at the end of the day it is simple. You don�t like it. Stay at home. Don�t try and inflict your opinions on to others. Can you all manage that?
As I say, whilst I agree that fumes from vehicles can cause harm, I don't think banning all non-public, non-delivery & non-emergency vehicles from all roads will ever happen - not whist you've got 'people in high places' driving round in them every day!

I like the comforts of driving my car & not having to use buses, which are I am told, sometimes cold, drafty & smelly - let alone sit in a pub full of stinking smoke!

Are you not tryring to inflict yir opinions on us? Like I suggested, why do you not stay at home and let the majority of us enjoy wir smoke-free atmosphere? Is that not simple too?
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Not trying to �inflict� Ratboy. Merely sharing.
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