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Sense of Humour Failure

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China Doll | 11:53 Thu 14th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
44 Answers
Hi All,

I'm having a really stressful week, both in work and in my private life, usually when this happens I am able to either laugh at myself or the situation but last night I suffered a complete sense of humour failure (very rarely happens) and the feeling has lingered on til today without showing any signs of leaving.

Just wondered how everyone snaps themselves out of bad moods? Any tips? Failing that, if you can make me laugh, that'd help too!

China xx


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You're entitled not to laugh. I find that people can rarely cheer me up because, quite frankly, nobody is as funny as me! Hahahaha! See? I'm making myself laugh out loud again. Friggin' hilarious me!

You should hang around with me more. It's a riot!


Er... I'll get me cloak...
here you are China, have a mile at this story, it really happened.

British newspaper report:

Four youths from Canberra, Australia pulled off a trick of
breathtaking bravado in order to gain revenge on a mobile speed camera
van operating in the area.

Three of the group approached the van and distracted the operator's
attention by asking a series of questions about how the equipment
worked and how many cars the operator could catch in a day. Meanwhile,
the fourth musketeer sneaked to the front of the van and unscrewed its
numberplate. After bidding the van operator goodbye, the friends
returned home, fixed the number plate to their car and
drove through the camera's radar at high speed - 17 times. As a
result, the automated billing system issued 17 speeding tickets to

Go Aussies!!
Oh, China, poor girl. I thought you were on form yesterday, you certainly made me laugh!

Have you tried retail therapy? That helps sometimes.

Or do something different......

Sorry, not being much help am I?
sorry to hear that China....we all have days like that babes. I usually find my wee boy cheers me if you want to borrow Charlie for a few hours, you're more than welcome!! :o)) He's a dab hand at helping out with tasks etc, loves to cook (ok mostly pretend, plastic food, but still) and can regale you with stories of Big Cook Little Cook for hours on end. but best of all he'll spontaneously tell you he loves you, or that you look lovely today, or that you're very cute, and give you the best big bear hug you could ever wish for. Annnnd, he's very, very ticklish, which makes me laugh out loud!! So, shall I wrap him up and post him to you?? :o))
We all get like that, it's totally normal. There was a full moon the other day, it normally effects peoples moods.

I know it's probabaly the last thing you want to do, but how about some excercise, it produces some happy hormone thing and is guaranteed to make you feel better afterwards, and you won't feel any guilt for eating a huge bar of dairy milk on your way home.

If not how about retail therapy or..

Watching an entire series of Ally McBeal snuggled up in really lazy clothes on a sofa with a big mug of hot chocolate. (Obviously if you don't like Ally then substitute that for something else, or else you might get even more down).

Bet you will be smilling again by tomorrow angel!!
<big hug>

Question Author
Thanks everyone.
Whenever I feel down I just say to myself Edward Woodward would!. It sounds crazy, but it works!
Fancy me taking you out on the town and getting totally hammered??

Im having a really crappy week as well and trying to get through it.(Mind you - Robbie tomorrow may help a tad!)

Big hugs!! xxxxx
Hello China, cheer up doll,

What is brown & sticky ?

A Stick, good eh ?
Eat a Massive chocolate cake
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If I said I'd still not had so much as a giggle would you all kill me?! Sorry guys... cr4p today, no doubt it'll be better tomorrow eh?! xx
babes, just chalk it up to one of those you'll laugh twice as much to make up for it tomorrow! Kind of glad you didn't take me up on my offer anyway.....been trying for the past 30 mins to wrap Charlie in brown paper, but he won't keep still so there's parcel tape stuck in my hair and all over the cat's tail and when I did eventuallly get him wrapped he just burst out th epaper shouting "Peek-a-boo mummy!!". Maybe if I put him in a cardboard box first, then wrapped him up....................
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Not quite an LOL but a definite snigger... cheers Kicky xx
How about imagining Whiskeysherie trying to keep a straight face tomorrow when she meet me andb/f after all the threads she has read about my nocturnal activities!!!

Well how was I to know that I would end up meeting her!!
aye, but you think I'm joking..............
PF - that's made me laugh :o))) I'd be thinking "The garden shed...." ALL the time. OMG, how will you guys not laugh?? xx
Kick - don't even go there!! He think that she is a girl who Ive chatted to online for ages and happend to live in MK - well she does! He doesn;t know about AB!
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Hmmm I'm going to dare Whiskey to ask you how your trip to the beach was and what the boat was like in front of your boyfirend? ;0P
China - don't you dare!! Especially as Im staying with her nan!!

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