Next week I am housesitting with my gf for her grandparents, this means that we have a house to ourselves and at my age this is a novelty! But I just wondered what everyone does in their house to have fun, obviously I know the first h0rny ****** is going to reply sayingI spend all my time in the bedroom but I don't mean stuff like that lol, just wondering what fun things you do apart from watching tv n stuff. Stupid post really but it cant be helped! Weve been looking forward to spending a load of time together but just bit worried itl get boring!!
Im sure 4getmenot knows about the things i got up to when our parents were away.
A dinner party is a good suggestion or even just cooking from scratch something for just the 2 of you and having a romantic meal
Romantic meal in! Candles, soft music the lot.
Then like suggested, another night make a meal together from scratch, have a laugh. You might even find this makes your relationship stronger :o)
Another night, order a take away, get a decent film (see Pixi's thread in Film & Tv for the ones to avoid) and just snuggle.
Do a jigsaw together or play a board game, cards. I sound exciting don't I? lol The fact is just doing something together should be enough not to get bored :o)
I am going away on holiday soon and we have got a young couple who live with her parents staying in our house. Its more to give them a bit of time together than anything. He said the one thing he is looking forward to is having a bath and then watching the telly in his pants, just cause he can!!!!
I like the idea of a nice romantic meal with the works or spend time cooking together but you must have a drink whislt you're doing it and some music!!! lol Just enjoy spending time alone together!
I sing, dance, play with the dog, sing to the dog, do So Duko puzzles, play X-box, watch films, watch funny tv such as Q.I. or The Simpsons, make a feast (especially 'picnic' foods), change the furniture around, go on t'internet, make things (i.e. clothing, jewellery etc.), dress up or have a long, relaxing, candlelit bath, to name but a few things...