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calories burned

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iluvmydog | 12:09 Mon 19th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
how many calories does a sneeze burn


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Why, you gonna go and sniff some pepper to lose weight! Not a bad idea, if it works!
if it was any decent amount the sales of antihistamines would plummet :-)

Don't )know the answer to that one, iluvmydog... but I remember reading way back about someone losing a stone or two through hiccuping over a long period of Guinness book of records!!

Good idea, julie...Does that mean we can still eat as much as we like? (In between aaahhh "bless me!!" Hope your feeling OK today, after last nights blog...didn't join in, but read the posts and wondered being fairly new, why people have to spoil what could be a laugh? Sometimes it's difficult to know who is joking and who is for real!! xXx

do you mean my "nice" thread n00dles?

Apologies for thread "pulling" iluvmydog...

Yes miss unrulie, got it in ONE!!

oh thats just WM failing miserably to upset me. He doesn't like me cause i won't take his rubbish! so sorry, iluvmydog
Question Author

Thats okay !!!!!!!


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calories burned

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