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PK4 has anybody heard from him?

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raysparx | 22:32 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
PK4 posted a question on here last night,I have looked on it today asking him to reply,I am a bit concerned he sounded really down,has anyone heard from him or does anyone on here know him?


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Hi ray,flicked about but no posts from him anywhere on here,maybe he's just having a day to gather himself,he did seem down,maybe he'll be about tomorrow!!!!
Hi - Ive just read pk4's original posted and yes he seemed very down.Maybe he went to the hospital to get himself checked out - he did say he was in awful pain.x
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I hope you are both right,he did seem very down,lets hope he appears somewhwere today,thank you both for looking,take care.
PK4 has posted another answer on his previous posting - apparently feeling better!! :-)
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Thanks for that Ktlou, I was a bit worried about him.he sounded really down,that is great news, cheers ladies!!

Hi raysparx, Thanks for caring, I'm mobile again now, albeit housebound still, but walking about. The swelling has gone down a lot and haven't had a drink since saturday (don't sound long - but for me it is). It was nice of you to enquire of my situation, it's made me apreciate the worlds not full of b***ards after all !

PK4 - well im very new to AB but they are a great bunch,and there is always someone to chat or listen to you - day or night!

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PK4 has anybody heard from him?

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