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vic13 | 18:20 Thu 13th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
12 Answers

is it ok. if you imagine things every day? I am always imagining something....and i was wondering if this means there is something wrong with me. Does this mean that there is something wrong with me phsycologiacally or do i just have an over-active imagination?

pls post back



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What exactly do you mean imagining something? Need more details Vic13 ;)
I think i know what you mean, making little stories in your head and you can get really into them. I'm exactly the same :) I do it all day long!
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well, i sort of imagine that i am somebody else, somewhere else....maybe its just me daydreamin' but i dunno i get quite worried. My mind sort of just wanders and i imagine me differently....its hard to explain

I don't think thats weird. Daydreaming is totally normal, as long as you're not obsessed with it. But if it gets in the way of your daily routine, or thought process..then that's probably something to be a bit concerned about.

Maybe you should use this talent and write some stories.

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As long as your 'dreams' are positive & happy ones it's actually supposed to be good for you. I believe that daydreaming is encouraged as part of therapy for anxiety/depression too.

I've always been a 'Dolly Daydream' :o)

I have daydreamed for as long as I remember and have a vivid imagination. I was always daydreaming at school and can still sit for hours sometimes just dreaming away. I also have vivid night dreams!!!

My son was always told off for daydreaming at school, but recently read it is the sign of an intelligent child and that daydreamers often surprise their teachers by getting the best results! Daydreamers are usually very creative people too.

So you must be super intelligent, just like me the others on this thread.

I too have this little hobby. Usually the scenarios are related to TV programmes I have been watching. I suffer from bipolar disorder and find that when I am in the 'normal' zone I daydream most.

I think all of us, us depressives especially, think that other people have perfect lives. We watch the TV and read the magazines. Perfect people with perfect families. But most of us live in the rat race, all we do is and that is it.

What is wrong with using your greatest asset, your brain, to get you away from all that. Nobody knows nor can control what you think. If I want to walk through the Stargate in Atlantis and save the universe I can.

Live long and prosper...and daydream.

I daydream a lot too, but my imagination doesn't stop there. Whenever I'm being told something, I picture it happening very vividly - which is all good and well, but not when I'm thinking of something horrible (i.e. what a real life decapitation would look like with a v sharp sword). I don't believe it make me sick or anything, I just have an overactive imagination.
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wow thankyou evry1!! yes wolf63 i do that....i see films and i think about them and daydream that it is me in the film...and i get my ideas for daydreaming from films/movies/books....thankyou...i was worried but it doesnt take over my life...its mainly at night i start dreaming my head glad i am not alone



life would be very dull if we couldn't dream.

I envy you your imagination.

If you cant keep your mind on whats going on around you then maybe you have adult ADD? Or maybe not... Its just the first thing that came to But look ADD up on Google .. Ya never no?!?!?!?

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