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What is a peaceful religion ?

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modeller | 13:02 Sun 29th Jul 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
11 Answers
Tony Blair in his usual smarmy way yesterday described a certain religion as
" peaceful ". Which was bunkum but I thought could that be said about any major religion when you look at their foundation and history ?


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The holy books that underpin religions are their Achilles Heel. Quite unambiguously they reveal deeply flawed philosophies riddled with primitive tribal prejudices.

From genocidal massacres in the name of their deity, through to ingrained oppression of women, these books detail the worst of the animal side of human nature that drives only for one's own benefit.

While the faithful insist that these books written by ancient, ignorant men are the final word on morality then they deserve to be resoundingly rejected in the the most emphatic ways possible.

We only need to accurately describe what is written their texts to reveal their hideous messages. It leaves the faithful nowhere to stand in the debate because the foundation of their faiths is revealed as naked fascism.
Good question, but I don't believe there's such a thing, becuse to truly believe in the religion you subscribe to, you have to believe that yours is the only one that's right, and all the others are wrong.

That also ges for the different divisions in each of those religions.

Of course, that doesn't mean that they can't live together in peace, althought again, over a period of time, I don't belive that's possible.
If you mean Islam, the context should be peaceful - Salaam alaykum means Peace be with You.

Buddhists seem to me to be pretty peaceful people, they believe in not injuring anything, they seem to have got it right
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If we look at how a religion was imposed on others almost invariably it did so by force . Subsequently through history every major religion has used force not only on those of a different religion but also on their own followers who take a different line to the founders. All the holy books preach peace whilst sometimes simultaneously using force.
Buddhism is an interesting case I don't believe they have waged war directly in the name of Buddhism but they are a major force behind marshal arts.
They also fought a long series of clan wars in Tibet. They also supported the Japanese during WWII as a part of their support for the Samurai warrior class but that was the country's war not in the name of religion.
Of all the major religions they adhere the most closely to their declared peaceful intentions .
The word peaceful is frequently trotted out by Blair to suit his audience and his ambitions.
I would agree I think that Buddhism is probably the closest of the major religions to a religion founded on peaceful principles.

All the Abrahamic religions contain texts that advocate severe violence, torture, genocide on non-believers, or followers of other gods. Hinduism might be a pretty peaceful religion - dont know a great deal about the texts and foundational beliefs of Hinduism.
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Hinduism is of course multi theist and has been involved in terrible violence against Islam even when there were not directly threatened. The partition of India being a classic example.
modeller, I think that they all preach it but don't practice it imo.
The Quakers (The Society of Friends) have always been reputed to be peaceful - but I know several members personally who aren't very nice. Whether that qualifies as non-peaceful is debateable.
I think Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion isnt it?
Answerbankism is a fairly peaceful religion. One gets the occasional insurgent but they are mainly rebuffed by the ED. There is the occasional bad tempered or arrogant member but that is just like in the real Society, isn't it?
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