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angel21 | 10:18 Tue 24th Feb 2009 | Health & Fitness
50 Answers
My doctor has prescribed me anti depressants. I think I'm going to take them.

Sometimes I feel really down and desperate and other days I feel I can manage and wonder if I am just imagining that I am unhappy - I think there must be something to look forward to that will make me happy and I will just snap out of it but I haven't found anything yet. So I suppose unfortunately it is medicine time.


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maybe you could try St John's Wort instead? it's kind of the herbal version..
Question Author
I'll stick with what the doctors ordered. I was just wondering though, what if I'm not really depressed. I feel down a lot and can't seem to find anything to cheer me up. When I am cheered up it is only a very temporary fix and I can't maintain the happiness. However, I don't feel down all the time, I still look forward to seeing family and my friend and going places. Then when I am down, I feel terrible and tearful and like there is no hope for me. I still want a new job. But sometimes I wonder if anything can make me happy (generally).
That's classic depression right there.

By the time you are in the middle of it, your usual abilities to look ahead or outside yourself become very wobbly, sometimes they work, sometimes not, and that is how you feel now.

Your doctor would not prescribe medication without diagnosing you first - and he knows what he is looking at, so go with his diagnosis, you will start to feel better in two - three weeks.
angel.....don't be silly. . Your Dr.has made a diagnosis and prescribed based on an interview with you, so follow his instructions.
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I will take the medication as prescribed then. I heard it makes you feel worse before it makes you feel better. Certainly hope I don't feel too much worse. Just feel like there must be a way I can overcome it without medication. I have tried lots of things such as volunteering with beaver scouts, pilates, walking group, done a sage course but none of it makes me feel the zest for life. I feel like I just need to find something that will bring a meaning to my life and bring back my zest such as a new job, which I am currently looking for. Sometimes I think perhaps I'll just jack everything in and jump on a plane. I don't know if that is the answer either though. All I have ever known that I definitely want in my life is children, a bf and a home - a healthy, happy family life. Sometimes I wonder if anything will make me happy though.
Lots of people go through depression at some point in their life, which is completely different to feeling a bit down.

Clinical depression often involves thoughts of complete despair and hopelessness, feeling alone, not wanting to work or participate in any activities, wanting to sleep alot, having no sex drive, appetite changing or having suicidal thoughts.

I think alot of doctors are too quick to give out Anti Depressants, which can end up making the users feel worse. In my case, I realised what was making me depressed was the contraceptive pill I was on at the time. My GP did put me on Prozac, which I didn't think worked, but she also sent me for counselling, which was a great help.

Perhaps you also need to try to examine, if there is anything helping to make you feel more down, like your job, living situation, relationships or home life. If you think there is, then maybe look at finding ways of changing your situation.

Counselling could also help, as it can help you work through what is really causing the upset and understand yourself better.
I agree with Velvetee, Doctors nearly always reach for the prescription pad. Ask for a regular visit from a Community Psychiatric Nurse or some other form of counselling such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. I'm not saying medication doesn't work but there are other forms of therapy. Has your doc done any blood tests etc? as sometimes it's a physical problem such as an under active thyroid which makes people feel down.. Good luck angel
Think of it like this angel - if you were diagnosed with diabetes and given insulin, would you try to 'cope without taking it'?

Of course not. Ignore the stigma still attatched to mental illness. You have a condition, you are having treatment.

That's it.
angel....andy yet again has given good advice.

"Ask for a regular visit from a Community Psychiatric Nurse or some other form of counselling such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy"
chatty...I agree, but to show effect, the above may take months and patients tend to get impatient and yearn for results. Anti-depressive drugs may also take 4-6 weeks to show improvement, but it seems quicker than the above.
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Thanks everyone.

I have had 6 sessions of cbt on nhs which probs wasn't enough but I can't afford to pay for a private counsellor at the moment. My doctor hasn't just taken the quick route as he did send me for counselling first. However, I am a bit concerned he hasn't done a blood test now? Plus I am on the implant and he didn't say whether the medication would affect my contraception.
Mixing anti-depressive tablets with the "pill" problem.

As Andy says, your symptoms are classical of exogenous depression.
Thyroid?...doesn't sound like it but blood tests T3 T4 T5 might reassure you.
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Whats exogenous depression? Why hasn't my doctor given me a blood test and told me that if it will or will not affect the implant? Perhaps this implant has been making me feel worse. I hate to keep bothering my doctor, he is so nice too and I don't think I could be assertive to him
Hi Angel,

I think you need to realise that clinicial depression, which you have been prescribed drugs for is, is a mental illness and has nothing to do with how good or bad your life is.

You get depressed if you lose your job, or your cat dies, but it's not the same as depression.

Obviously how good or bad your life is does make a difference in handling your symptoms and the kind of support you receive, but it is not why you have depression. Sadly you will often come up against people who think you should just snap out of it, and who question why you're so down when you have so much to live for, but if it was that easy, surely you would have done it already! Education is the key, of both yourself and others.

If your doctor has been thorough then medicine is a viable route, it just may take time. Simple things like exercise, socialising, reducing alcohol intake etc. can also all be little ways to decrease symptoms. Also talking to others/counselling may help.

The fact you've addressed it the best thing you can do and a massive step on the road to you coping with this.

Good luck
when i took anti depressants i put on 1 and a half stone .i dont think i really was depressed .but i was when i put that weight on .good luck
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Oh god just what I need. I'm trying to lose weight at the moment but it's not going well. I don't want to put weight on!!!

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read up about the ones ur on as i never knew till after about 8 months why i was putting so much weight on ..
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ok thanks
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citalopram - I will have a look
I think you should also consider if your contraception is making you depressed. As soon as I stopped taking the pill, think I was on Dianette, I felt completely different. I also have PMS, which probably was worsened by the extra combination of hormones.

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