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Supermarket snobbery

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Black Noir | 17:27 Mon 06th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
70 Answers
I normally go to Sainsburys each week, but decided to do Asda for a change today without appearing overly snobby it felt like doing my shop with the audience of the Jeremy Kyle show. Perhaps it was just the store location?

Are there any supermarkets you wouldnt be seen dead in?
I for one would rather starve than go into Lidl's for anything.


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i usually use what ever is convienent to me at the time, i must admit i do feel like donning a disguise to go into aldi
probably lidls, but if I really had to I would, but Tesco is next door to it. I even go Nettos, its same brand names just cheaper, and half of the local private school mothers go there, so if its good enough for them....
you do know your snobbery is costing you money black ?
I went to Lidls and the reason I wouldnt shop there is because you cant do a proper shop there. No marmite etc I have gone in there to get a load of fruit and veg, at least its stuff thats in season and not been stored for a year before you get it in your fruit bowl. I prefer Sainsburys but will go to Asda, I go to buy food not for the company. Asda at christmas is unbearable though.
i love watching all the 'posh mums' walking around waitrose picking up all the reduced stickered items. I suppose at least they can say they 'picked it up at waitrose' lol

I will shop pretty much wherever (except nettos as i cant stand it in there) but the customers often depend on where the shop is located as you say.
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I appreciate the point fine thanks, but Sainsburys is approx 2 miles from where i live and I had to drive 20 miles to go to Asda FFS, ended up buying clothes that i dont need and spending �30 more than i would do normally.

If I see that asda bird from the ads i will give her a kick up the @rse not just a gentle pat on the botty !
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Well I normally go to Waitrose. I just prefer the quality of food and always feel healthier when I go in there. I think it's the mentality of it. When you enter Sainsburys you are hit with bargains and buy one get one free's and you don't get that in Waitrose so you spend less even though it is more expensive. I hate going to Sainsbury or Tesco's. Full of chavs.
Would prefer to eat my own scrotum than food from Lidls, Aldis, Somerfield and ASDA's.

Tesco is just about passable, Sainsbury's OK.

I predominanty shop at Waitrose and M&S. It may cost a little more (and I mean only a little) but the sheer quality is worth every penny.

I shop at local farm shops as well, but they can be a bit hit and miss.

My fish is either caught by me or friends.

My milk is locally produced and delivered.
i think lidils is good for fruit and veg. juice and tea and coffee's.
there pizzas and selection of german sausage and cold meats is great and value for money, compared to tesco, asda etc.
Asda and Aldi are both very near me and so I usually shop at Asda because it's bigger. There has been many a time though that I have shopped at the Aldi when I'm close to broke. I would never go on the Jeremy Kyle show and sincerely hope that I don't have the looks (actually if you caught me first thing in the morning buying milk perhaps I do!), the attitude nor the intellect of someone who would while I get my grocerys.

Tonight I shall venture to my local sainsburys and waitrose to checkout the superior calibre of people and see how the other half live! ;)
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I see you referred to it as "food" shadow man !!

M & S hot choccy sponge pudding - hmmmm now thats worth a drive into town
black.. dont you be kicking anyones ars$ or you will be in big trouble. being over 80 years old is NO excuse. : )
I dont go to the supermarket i haven't now for about 2 months and its bliss i started to on line order at Asda but they are so so crap, now get from Tesco's food is better quality and they are very reliable.
Never will i have to visit one again yipeee!!!
haha - my asda near me is like a field day for the riff raff! But i find it quite a musing and i find that the things i need to buy there are quite cheap. I buy my fruit and veg from fruit shop. Have no problem going to aldi or lidel for certain things but dont think i would be able to do a whole food shop there as they dont appear to have everything! They have nice continental meats and chesse in aldi and lidel but none of it allowed on weight watchers!

Did you know that Sainsburys and Lidel are both supplied by the same company for their whole chikens and some of their ither fresh meat??! (I will get a link of friend who told me cuz i havent got it!!!)
oh mi god m& s hot choc pudding, i pass m& s on the way home how am i not going to be able to go in!!!!!!
Goody, do you know the shopping park in Bridgewater where there is a Macdonalds, sainsburys, Lidls, some DIY stores and a Farm Stores???

Well being in Sommmmmerrrrset I thought Farm Stores would be an idyllic local produce outlet with staff covered in cow dung and wearing straw items about their person.

Oh how wrong was I !!!!!!

"Farm Stores" is like a Bejams but for people lower than peasants. It was truly a mind altering experience. I am by no means a snob, but I really had to evacuate the store with haste.

I still shudder..........................................................
I have noticed that Asda etc seek out "poorer" areas to site their stores than posh Waitrose or M&S, or even Sainsburys. I shop at all of them depending on where I am. You get what you pay for. In Asda, everything tastes of Asda. Bleaugh. 25 doughnuts for 99p. Sums it up. M&S is more expensive, as is Waitrose, but the food is really good quality and you feel healthier eating it. Tesco is in the middle. Don't knock Lidl though! It's not bad at all! It isn't a chavvy store just cos it is cheap. It is German, and a warehouse, and cuts costs through other means. Their tinned and jarred food is great- things like Ravioli, kidney beans etc. Their salad is much bigger and more impressive than other supermarkets too.
psml at wardy and Farm stores,
I do know that shopping park but I thought it was aldi not a lidl. Farm stores, I have never been in one. Rumwell farm shop is ace though. We dont have a waitrose and M&S have some lovely puddings but its not really a shop for people who like to cook, more for the microwave chef!

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