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Harry Potter 7

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leelapops | 20:11 Mon 02nd Jul 2007 | Arts & Literature
49 Answers
I am counting down the days until I queue at midnight for the seventh, and allegedly final, Harry Potter book! Is anyone else as ludicrously excited as me?!
I just can't wait. So many possibilities. I won't sleep that weekend!



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You've all got me stressed up now. I've been looking forward to the final instalment for ages (my copy will arrive from a couple of days after as I'm nowhere near an english book shop) and realised I can't remember all of the last book, so will have to read the half Blood Prince again to refresh my memory, unless someone wants to summarize it for me????????
I work for asdas POS department we get promotional material in advance so i think i can grab th ebook first :) plus i get 10% staff discount!
I think that Dumbledore is dead... but it was prearranged with snape. I don't know how, when or why but it may have that Narnia thing - deep magic from before the beginning of time - that V doesn't know about. I really want to hang on to the idea that Snape is essentially good and will be ultra disappointed if I am wrong.

Dove, I may be wrong, but isn't Malta a british army base and might there be an english bookshop to cater for that? Or even on the base if you can wangle your way in...
Harry who ?
Carole - at first I was sad to be overtaken but now I've come to terms with it.
Dove - thanks so much for that info about "beyondhogwarts" - that'll keep me busy over the weekend! If I were you I would swiftly make friends with Nathan cos if he/she can get their sticky mitts on a copy early, he/she might post it off to you in Malta in return for a packet of Bertie Botts
And Swanny Baker - don't they have WHSmith's on Pluto?
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Carole, the prophecy doesn't say "If one dies the other will live". It says "Neither can live while the other survives", which is quite different, because they're both living, and surviving, at the moment, so I think those particular words must have a very specific significance. I think you're absolutely right. Good does have to triumph over evil - JKR wouldn't make evil triumph surely - and I think Neville may even be the real chosen one.

I wonder if any of us have hit on the answer?

I've got to say it's great to find adults as potty about Potter as me!!! I thought I was the only one!! Thank you Leela for asking the original question and thank you everyone for a great discussion. I hope it continues until we can all find out what happens.
I have just read this thread and would like to say that I too am a Harry Potter fan as are my 2 daughters aged 15 and 10.
When the HP hype first started none of us were very interested, my youngest was a bit young at the time. But a couple of years ago I was looking for a book to buy my daughter that we could read at bedtime.
I said why don't we buy the first HP book and see how it goes.
Well that was it - my eldest then got in on it and we've been fans ever since.
It's great that it is something we can all enjoy regerdless of our different ages!!
can I just ask(more questions) if people think that the wording of the prophesy relates itself to just 2 people?
thanks for your concern, have just asked about army bases and the answer is no, nice thought though......but if I had got onto base would I have wanted to leave.....tough one that .lol
Mammar glad you are enjoying beyondhogwarts, have a look at some of the endings that have been written, a few of them are fantastic.
naomi, and dr pop,
'neither will live while theother survives ' was repeated twice (I think, dont have book to hand at the mo) so I do believe that there were 3 people involved in the prophecy not two.
I don't wish to upset you all but my Uncle is the oldest fan he is 91, and ordered his book 3 months ago.
He's the other magicical Harry in my life!!!!

We are turning our whole village into Hogsmead on the 21st including Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts Express going down our Pier. There is snow, fog, magicians, witch hat making, treasure hunts, the shops are changing their names...should be great fun.
Enjoy your day!!
hellyon, that sounds absolutely fantastic, where do you live? if its close enough consider me there x
Hellyon, I wish my village was doing something similar. Can we all come? It sounds wonderful.
Me too Hellyon, tell us where your village is.

Ok people, ready for my essay?

To begin with, I am very hyped up about this book. I've got my sleeping bag all packed and will be spending my Friday night camped outside WHSmith. I do not intend to sleep until I've finished it. And while I'm reading I'll switch my mobile off (oh god the horror) and go nowhere near my computer.

Leelapops - You're so right about Gambon being agressive. He almost throttled Harry in GoF. Dumblydorrrr is supposed to be twinkly and cheery and friendly. The movies are a great source of debate to me. I love them, I think they're excellent movies. But only as seperate entities from the books. When you try and compare them to the books I get all upset. They take out so much. I understand the need to trim for time - JK certainly knows how to make her books long - but they cut out some of the best bits. Philosopher's Stone missed the first twelve chapters!! And can't they get kids who can act? Rupert Grint is amazing, and developing into a right hotty I might add, but Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe (as pretty as they are) can not act. Daniel Radcliffe!! Ooo, my blood boils when I think about him. He's handsome, I'm not denying that. I have a promo picture from that horse play he did and colour me blushing, and he has the Harry grin down to a T.... but! How many millions of little boys must have applied to be Harry? Could they not have found someone who wears glasses? Those things just look wrong on him. Couldn't they have found someone with green eyes? Couldn't they have found someone who can act?!!!!!! So far casting otherwise has been great though. Alan Rickman - pure genius. Most talented man on the planet and plays Snape to perfection. Hagrid is brilliant, Malfoy and his dad are superb and
I cheered out loud when I heard about Sirius. Oh, and David Tennant was fabulous! Should have had more screentime, definitely. And more twins please!! I love the Weasleys. And I love Snape. Emma Watson I can deal with, but Gambon is wrong and Radcliffe is wrong. Snape's fine though. Don't mess with that.

Ok, so my movie rant is over. Time to move on to the next bit..

Re-reading the books - i've started reading the books again. Right from the start. And I'm not alone. I saw 4 people on the bus today reading PS. It was funny. We kept catching each other's eye and grinning. It's like a secret underground.

Swannbaker - "harry who?" Are you insane?!! It took me a week and a half to realise we had a new Prime Minister, but I'm going to know every tiny plot detail of Deathly Hallows within 24 hours of laying my grubby hands on the book. Not that I shall be allowing grubbiness anywhere near my precious of course. Oops, channeling Smeagle there. Whole different series.


Carolegif - "several popular characters die" ??? NO!!!!!! Please don't kill Ron. Or Fred or George. Take Percy. Take Hermione. Leave Ron! Take flipping Harry, but don't take Ron!!! (imagine me on my knees here people) I cried when I read Sirius dying, and I actually screamed when Dumbledore died. The sure sign of a good book is one that provokes physical reactions in me. JK has me on nearly every page. Laughing or crying or screaming. (incidentally, the fanficiton on has me in the same place - confuses me though. I've got my Potter-lore all mixed up atm)

Ummm, think that's it.

No wait, there's more....

Snape. I KNEW he was evil. Slimy sod. Killed Dumbledore. As much as I love Alan Rickman - best casting in the movie, did I mention that already? - Snape is evil! Just let me get my hands on him. I'll give him a good beating. Grrrrrrr.

OK, I'm done. Going now. Lol. I love Harry Potter. get's my heart racing cos I get so enthusiastic. Can you tell?
Wow! Can we assume you quite like HP then, Immi? <:o)
Dumbledore must be dead. It can't have been polyjuice potion or his body would have reverted to the person he really was. And remember that the bodybind he did on Harry stopped when Dumbledore died, proof indeed that he did die. But I think that he will still feature in the next book. Remember that his portrait is in the headteachers office. The prophecy does indeed relate to Harry and not Neville as (can't remember the exact wording here) Voldemort chose Harry (did he mark him? - was that in the prophecy?) over Neville. Though I think that Neville will have a part to play in the final battle or whatever it is. Anyway, needless to say, I will not be on here two weeks from now as I will be reading! We've arranged to go to friends on the Saturday morning till Sunday, but luckily my friend is as potty (!) as myself about Harry Potter. In fact we were staying with them when the last book came out and we sent our husbands out to Tescos at midnight to buy two copies! Cue myself and friend sat in her front room not saying anything to each other all day, just reading. At least the kids will be able to amuse themselves and the blokes will be there to feed us!
There is no way that Snape is evil, he didnt want to kill Dumbledore. When Dumbledore said 'Please Severus' he was begging for Snape to kill him, the hatred that was in his face was the hate for himself having promised to kill him in the first place. Harry also had the same look on his face when he was forcing Sumbledore to drink the potion in the cave, they were both repulsed by what they were doing.
And thats just my humble opinion! ;-)

Wonder what we will all be doing two weeks from now, except me who will be rushing around Malta in an absolute frenzy. :-(

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