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Inside Scientology ... And Escaping The Witnesses

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naomi24 | 17:35 Wed 16th Sep 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
26 Answers
A Channel 5 documentary. It doesn't go into enormous detail about the beliefs of the two cults, but it's interesting nevertheless.


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It was on tv a few weeks back, thought it was quiet interesting.
If you can access Sky Atlantic, watch 'Going Clear', next Monday, 9pm - not seen it myself yet, but apparently it is even more revealing...
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Nailit, I recorded it and only got around to watching it last night.

Thanks Delboy.
LOL naomi, wondered at the time why you didnt have a post about it. ;-)
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I only post television programmes I think people might find interesting, Nailit.
Wonder if goodlife found it interesting?
Oh, my mistake. JW's are not allowed to view/read anything that contradicts their faith. Sad really to think that there are millions of people on this planet who think it is wrong to question their own beliefs :-(
I had to question mine.
This is an episode of 'South Park' but ACTUALLY IS WHAT THEY BELIEVE!!
I shall watch this with interest, especially the bit about Scientology.

But I will say this right away. Why don't people only ask themselves one simple question, right from the start ? ::::::

ie " Does this make common sense ? "

If they did, they would be saved an awful lot of heartache, and a lot money too it would seem.

All these recently invented religions ( all American by the way ) share one important aspect. They don't, and can't possibly make common sense, and common sense is what is missing from most of these sad people, that have been conned into what is in effect, a simple fraud.

I have very little sympathy for any of these people, as they only have themselves to blame. Harsh perhaps but true nevertheless.
mikey - I would suggest that religion and common sense cannot co-exist.

Religion has to rely on a cornerstone of mystery - if it was explainable, it would cease to be something to be thought about and interpreted, as all religions are.
I'd suggest that is unfair and untrue. Any issue that is not investigatable by science is philosophy or spirituality neither of which requires a lack of common sense: and religion is merely a shared belief in an explanation of the spiritual and any associated morality.
I agree Andy.

Its quite believable why ancient religions took off many years ago as they did. The vest majority of people couldn't read or write and were in effect completely uneducated. You can sympathise why ignorant peoples 2000+ years ago, were conned by a series of clever, manipulative men in shining white robes, all carrying a big stick.

But Scientology isn't even 100 years old. Ron Hubbard was a sci-fi writer for goodness sake ! ( and a pretty crap one at that ) Americans were mostly highly educated, especially if they weren't black ! They could read and write and had access to libraries, TV and Radio, all not available 2000 years ago.

And yet they were conned and they are still being conned ! is anyone remotely surprised that it costs some much money to be a member of the Church of Scientology ? Its a giant pyramid scheme.

I would dearly like to believe in Father Xmas and the Tooth Fairy, as they brought money and gifts, which were paramount when you are 5 years old.
But I don't, because I have used my intellect to work out that these two can't possibly be real.

But why are people still being conned by something that can't possibly be true ? The South Park video is very funny, although it lays on the sarcasm as thick as the earth's crust, but that is exactly what Scientologist believe.
They really do !

The American girl in the first part of the link provided by Naomi seems quite intelligent and is obviously educated, so why didn't she just stop for 5 mins and think ?

If it sounds too good to be true, then it almost certainly can't be true.
OG...just what is unfair or untrue ? How long would it take you to realise that Scientology can't possibly be true ?
mikey I admire your optimist regarding the Americans being highly educated but you only have to go back to 1938 and the Orson Welles radio broadcast of The war of the worlds, where many thousands thought we had been invaded by Martians.
Am American and his sense of reason are easily separated Vulcan, it would seem !
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We can't in all fairness lay this squarely on the shoulders of Americans. The cults began in the USA but the gullible are to be found everywhere and in all walks of life.
Scientology is not "all religions".

It's an unfair comment as explained in my previous post.
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Birdie...amazing story ! But leaving out the details of how they fleeced him,
I am much more interested in why he became involved in the first place.

Did it never occur to your friend that the very basics of this newly invented religion were drivel ? Space ships arriving from outer space, many millions of years ago, etc, etc.

How could he possibly have thought that was true ? That is the crucial question here. Of course the so-called "church" of scientology cheated him out of his money..its a giant pyramid scheme...that is how pyramid schemes work.

But the very foundation of the cult was ludicrous.......why could he not see that ?
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Birdie...glad to hear that he is now on the road to recovery !

Its the huge growth in Scientology that has me worried, as well as its apparent ability to use its vast wealth and political influence, to say nothing of its very expensive legal team, to further its aims.

But I wish someone could answer my central question, as to why they thought it remotely possible to begin with ? You say that the newbies are don't have the truth revealed to them until long after they become involved.

But about 5 mins with google and wiki, would tell them all they need to know !

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