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FastBarry | 14:52 Wed 16th Feb 2005 | Site Suggestions
20 Answers

Could we please have a seperate listing for football.

When reading the sports listings all the footie Q's really get on my nerves.

Sorry, but I really hate football. What is it's purpose ??



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Thanks for the suggestion, FastBarry. We will take it into consideration - after all, football is the world's most popular sport, loved by millions of people around the world.
Question Author

Thanks Ed.

By the way, no derisory intentions to those of you who do like football, I just don't see the point.

im with you on this one fastbarry i cant even stand the word football. it takes forever to get a game over with, especially when its on hijacking your favorite tv program. a bunch of idiots running into each other. yeah that sounds fun.

Oh please no! Surely the sports category is enough!

I love snooker, but wouldn't dream of asking for a separate category for that!

Question Author
I too like snooker and most other sports, but if you look at the number of F******* questions they account for about 70% of the total sports threads. Hence my thinking that they should have their own link.

Oh OK - perhaps just footie then!

I must say, my husband nor I have ever been football fans either.

-- answer removed --

Your'e all mad. Football rocks. Snooker has to be the dullest 'sport' ever invented.

So there.

I'd much rather watch the precision of people trying to get lots of small balls into six small nets - rather than one large ball into two big nets!
So there - lol.
Snooker isn't a sport - it's a game.
Ok - game/sport,  it's still chasing a ball around!
While we are at it, can we take the Fish questions from the Food & Drink section cos I hate fish........and the questions on soaps from the Film & TV questions as they REALLY hack me off........and what about questions on R&B from the music section as it is the devil's work.
I requested this when the answerbank suggestions category was first posted
Well done Ronnie O!

Why has football taken the world over?  What is so fantastic about it?  Why do players get paid millions and achieve celebrity status?  I think it is so boring watching people chase a ball around a kicking it. 

Give it a section all of it's own and then us football haters can ignore it completely.

We only need one category and that`s Football !!!!!!

not everybody likes the same things and i love football and i am a girl but a play like a guy. that is why we dont have sameness.

we all know there are only 2 sports - horse racing and women - all the rest are merely hobbies!

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