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LinL | 15:09 Mon 05th Apr 2010 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
We have a very large pond in our garden, which is often visited by ducks and the unwelcome herons, but just recently I have seen 2 buzzards sitting in trees around the area. I have read that their diet is carrion and small mammals, so I was wondering why they seem to like the pond. The rest of our garden is running alive with rabbits, but the buzzards don't seem interested.

I did see the buzzards chasing off a heron one time, which made me cheer.

My only thought is that they're using it as a giant birdbath...any other ideas would be appreciated.



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Your Pond is attracting Birds etc and the Buzzards are waiting for their chance to have a nice meal or two. Plenty for them to eat around your Garden.
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Thanks redman41...didn't realise they would eat birds. To start with I thought they were after the hundreds of frogs which had arrived for spawning, but they all seem to have left now.

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