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Vet saga

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leelapops | 23:52 Tue 03rd Jul 2007 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
As some of you have followed my vet saga (!) I thought I would also ask your opinion on this: found a new vet (the only other option has a terrible reputation, so...) who very VERY quickly notified my vet that I was transferring. Received a call from the male vet, who I shall refer to as the manhandler! He asked why I was leaving, I just said I wasn't really comfortable with them, and was made to feel substandard, and that I had written a more thorough letter to elaborate.
Because we were on that healthcare pln (the �10/month business), he said that we owed �46, the remainder of the annual payment. He THEN said (and this just made me want to reach down the phone and slap him silly!) that he wouldn't be releasing Jack's records to the new vet 'til I had paid the balance (which I am not sure I even owe!)
Surely that's blackmail?

*Sigh* What do I need to do for an easy life?!


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Unless there is anything serious that Jack has suffered from then they won't need his records at the new vet. Tell them this is exactly the attitude that made you leave.

As for the money owing, I'd tell them where to go. They're not going to pursue it for �46, particuarly as you haven't actually had anything for the money yet.
Sounds like he is trying to bully you. The money he says you owe is a more difficult one tho' might be affected at your new vet if the old vet were to contact them and suggest that you are a bad payer or something.They really have you over a barrell these people. I would pay up...but slowly. Is it the senior partner who you spoke to...if not..might be worth discussing the matter with him/her. Good luck...most important thing is that you have changed to a vet you are happy with. I certainly would'nt be happy with a vet with that attitude...after's the animals welfare that is paramount here...and to withold medical records seems to me to unethical and uncaring.Best of luck.
I would report him for it but Lankeela is right they wont really need his records to be honest.
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Ah, you're all great!
Thank you for your ongoing concern and responses. lankeela-I was curious as to whether or not his records would be necessary in order to treat him for anything. There's no information that I would withhold from them anyway, and apart from his gluten intolerance, he is just fine!
I am going to sit down and work out what I have had from them so far this year; I might well owe them a couple of quid for flea treatment, but otherwise, I think not!
tiggerwoo, he is absolutely bullying me! If he had spoken to my partner (older, male) there is no way that he would have adopted such an attitude. I have written a letter to the practice manager, but I will also go round with my partner, who can speak on my behalf if I get too mad! From what I have heard from others, it's been a long time since animal welfare was a primary concern for the vet business, with the exception of a few who still do it because they actually care.
Apparently, the vets I am leaving are the best in the town (out of 3!) but I think not!
Paul_Rook, think I will!
Thank you all :) x
Hiya leelapops
I agree wholeheartedly with your comment regarding animal welfare not being top of the list in todays vet practices. Having said that my vets have been very good and no complaints so far, but many years ago when I had my beloved spaniel.the practice I used then were absolutely awful. Big posh practice and big posh prices to go with it...but rubbish at caring.
The GP practices are much the same...gone is the caring family doctor who worked round the clock...and replaced by greedy people who get paid enormous amounts of money for working less and less hours.
Take your partner with you for support...keep calm...speak quietly but be assertive and insist on having an itemised bill for the amount they say you owe...and if you have no joy perhaps you could try contacting Consumer Rights or Trading Standards (to see if they can help)...or even Citizens of luck!
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Hey tiggerwoo
Thanks for your comments :)You are right-I think many practices look very clean and shiny, and act very clean and shiny, but are actually cold and greedy.

My partner went in today, and had a word. The vet in question wouldn't even come and speak to him! But the nurses were lovely: printed out an actual copy of the records for us! I didn't know how detailed those things were...And promised to pass the details onto their practice manager so that she can get in touch after her holiday.

Let's see how it goes. Thank you, lovely people x
Surprise surprise..... the vet would'nt come out to see your partner.
With a bit of luck...and goodwill on their part...they may just decide to waive the charges.
Would be's hoping.........keep us posted.
Surely their governing body should be able to control Vets.

He was nasty to you and you won't be the only one. We are paying for a professional service and we have no option but to trust them.

My surgery is small and not at all posh, but is clean and efficient. The vets are all good and never make you feel like a 'neurotic mother' when you take your furry friend in for something stupid.

If enough people complained about this vet maybe he would be disciplined.
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Exunctly, Wolf...
Funnily enough, the practice owner called this morning to ask me very nicely to meet him and discuss the matter.
That's all I want, wolf...for me and Jack to feel comfortable with a vet, and not for me to feel as if I am stupid or worse still a bad mum!

I would like to meet the p.o. just so he knows my feelings, and so he's aware of the way I have been made to feel. I am also aware I am not the only one-my friends have had similar encounters, so it's more than sheer personality clash.


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