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Dogs :)

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leelapops | 17:38 Thu 10th Apr 2008 | Animals & Nature
18 Answers
Hi everyone, something really tickled me earlier and I wanted to share it. I was sat on my bed giving our Collie a cuddle, and as I got up I handed him his little rawhide bone. He dropped it, licked it twice as if to humour me and then looked up with a "yes mum, that's lovely" expression.
I think you maybe had to be there, but it cracked me up, the way his face was.

They can be so human sometimes!


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yup leela ive been there --& what about the silly expression(you have to be there to see it)--at the minute my pair are having a snoring competition
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beejay, who is winning?! What do you have?
They're flipping fantastic aren't they? :)

Jack is sometimes quite genteel with his snoring, he makes wee snuffles. But then he will lie on his back, all paws in the air, which totally discredits his attempts at politeness!
Awww leelapops , how cute , I agree , they give expressions that leave you in no doubt what they are saying don't they . It does make you smile. Oh and when they're asleep xxxxx
My golden retriever acts deaf and dumb when he doesn't want to get out of bed of an evening (he's not allowed to sleep with us, but sneeks up for a bit of a cuddle!)

He's even gone as far as to look away from me when I'm trying to talk to him! How rude!
Hee andrea , labrador got up on the sofa ( that's a no-no btw ) , and as I was asking her what she thought she was sneaking up there for as she knew she isn't allowed up there ....she , on purpose , turned her head away from me so I was talking to the back of her head !!!
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Oh mamma, don't they just?!
And as far sleeping, I love to watch them twitch and yap as they doggy dream...fascinating! And often funny too. Jack's nose goes into hyperdrive sometimes, and I wonder what he can 'smell'...That said, if he is on his dad's side of the bed, I am pretty certain of what he can smell :S *lol*

andrea, that is downright CHEEKY! Selective deafness is quite common in dogs...Not sure if Jack acts dumb though, or if he just IS. He certainly breaks the "border Collies are intelligent" mould...He will get off the bed. Then when we go to sleep, he is straight back up! So I know just what you mean.
Hi Hun! Murphy has this face he pulls when we get to the park. We have to cross a road first, I make him sit and wait but he looks at me as if to say 'can we go yet?' And when I get his halti out to put on him he just turns his nose the other way! He's like 'I don't want that on, mum' x
That is lovely.
Afraid Misty is more of a tomboy type of Westie Girlie. Don't think she will ever grow up.

Glad it's not just mine, the most cheeky thing is, that he takes up most of the room and I'm 34 weeks pregnant! And to add insult to injury, in the morning my son sneeks in and I get flanked from the other direction!
Lol andrea ! When my son is on the sofa and she jumps up int the smallest gap , then preceeds to actually shove him over with the weight of her body pushing him ! Cheeky , and the look I get when I tell her to get down . Mind you , bless her , she gets down straight away if I tell her , if my son tells her she just looks at
sorry leela,i didnt realise you asked me about the dogs-- 2 number(mum & daughter)-mums biggest claim to fame is her da was a black lab(she turned out to be a chocolate retreiver- dont think thats a breed ,but tou know what i mean) i bred her twice with an irish water spaniel-all pups turned out pure chocolate & i kept one of the first litter(there's a longer story but that will keep)--the pup(now 7y o) turned out to be a slightly smaller version of an i .w. s -the mother dog turned 14 on 1st april--& she still would chase cats
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Aww, an andrea sandwich! Lovely image, but not entirely comfortable for you hun! Goldies are hardly small either! Bless you.
daffi honey, that is SO cute! How is my little bundle of special? He is my favourite nephew! Jack does the same thing with his Halti. If he is on his chair, he leans back onto his bum and turns his nose up. And when I (try to!) make him sit if there is something exciting going on he gives me this sort of pitying look!
Oh mamma, your Porsche is special! Is she OK? I o tickled by her diva-like behaviour! And she SO knows who's boss!
Cruella, how are you hun? Aww, I think Misty can be quite the lady when she knows it'll get her what she wants ;) Is hubby OK? xx
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Hi beejay, no worries. Thanks for that, they both sound cracking! :) x
Misty ain't no lady.
She sleeps betwen us every night.
I am just about out the bed every morning. lol
She is lying there, sprawled out in all her glory.
He is fast asleep at the mo! We had a good play in the park after school and he had a good run round. Will take him for his walk soon, think we will go down over the bridge and round the back of the allotments tonight. x
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Oh daffi, someone is spoilt! Lucky boy, all those walks. Now I am driving, we are exploring some new places, and getting to the beach more often too! I am setting my alarm for early so we can get out to new walkies. Give Smurf a cuddle from me!

cruella, I bet butter wouldn't melt! Poor you, I know just what you mean!
Hey, girls!! Lovely stories about your dogs - my 2 are also "selectively deaf"! Elsa plays on the fact that she's a bit geriatric now and knows I indulge her. She wanders round the field next to the house and I swear she pretends not to hear me, unless I mention the magic word - "biscuits" and then she comes galloping back! Jake, on the other hand just legs it every morning and doesn't come back for about half an hour. I'm sure he's off investigating all the new smells that have been laid down by the wildlife overnight!
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Aw Kleiber, at least Jake is honest about it! It sounds like Elsa knows just how to play her Mum ;) And I bet she deserves all of it love. How're things? Asked that in mamma's thread, too, I have been a bit remis with AB recently! xx

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