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Sick cat

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Siris | 14:58 Tue 15th Nov 2005 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers

Last night I discovered my cat has some sort of worm. Their small and white, rice-looking things. I didn't know what they were until I saw them move. Are they worms? They look like larva a bit. I'm worried about her. I think they might be swarming in her intestines. How did she get them and how much will get cost to treat her? And have they done damage?



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yep yer cat has of the most common things 4 cats they can get them from eating there prey, ie, mice, birds, rabbits, it does need treating as the worms are higher up in intestines and rob the cat of neutrience. you can pick treatment remedies up from any pet shop but i found they wasn't very effective if your cats been to the vets in the past you can ring them up and they will dispence drontal over the counter usually �3.60 per tab and kills worms fast...
Agree with Josaphine32, sounds just like tape worm and the pills will totally get rid of them. Nothing to worry about unless they go untreated. Get the pills from your vets as the ones sold in supermarkets and pet shops, etc. just don't work very well. The small rice looking pieces are bits off the worm.
The vets will tell you that you need to give your cat a worming tablet every three months to ensure they are kept free of worms.
White, rice looking wigglers around the botty are definitely worms. Another sign of worms is when your cat sits on the floor and drags herself forward with her bum on the floor and her back legs sticking out like she's riding a bike. It looks funny, until you realise what it means!
Thank you all! You've helped a lot ^^
I agree that you need to get some wormer from the vet. But to add to Drusilla's post, dragging the bottom can more often be associated with impacted anal glands, an uncomfortable problem which can usually be easily relieved by a visit to the vet.
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Alright well we took her to the vet today and she had tape worms. Besides that, she is okay ^^ We got her flee medicine too, the worms were caused by her swallowing a flee.

Thanks all!

yes,your cats has worms.RINGWORM,dont buy treatments from supermarkets as they are rubbish..u need to buy from small tablet of drontal will cost a couple of pound and lasts approx 3 months.remember to wash hands and bedding as you can catch them too.

Sorry greeneyes, but ringworm is a fungal infection not a worm as such. The two most common forms of worm are roundworm and tapeworm. Roundworm is usually found in kittens and puppies, passed on from their mother, and easily treated. Tapeworm is got either from ingesting fleas as they groom themselves, or from eating little animals. Either way tablets can cure them easily. They should be done regularly - every six months would be sufficient unless you see evidence of worms in between then. Either Drontal or Panacur are good. Panacur do granules which you can mix in with the feed - much easier than trying to give a cat a tablet!

Kitten can be given Johnson's Kitten Worming Syrup.

To treat worms you can use my method, you need 7 apples, 6 Biscuits and a mallet.

Feed the cat an apple at 10:00 each norning and then a biscuit straight afterwards, do this for 6 days, then on the 7th day feed it the last apple, the worm will pop it's head out asking "Where's my bleedin' biscuit" then you bash it on the head with the mallet.
Love it WoWo!

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