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My cat Izzy is going to be put to sleep today

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josaphine32 | 08:32 Sat 05th Jan 2008 | Pets
21 Answers
We are so devestated we dont know what to do,
she is one of our babys, New years night we found her puffing and panting like mad, we took her to the vets where they discovered that her temperature was 42.1 and they wanted to keep her in to put her on a drip and give her antibiotics, there was no improvement so on thursday they did bloods and found that her liver enzymes were sky high, and she had very low pottassium the vets have been great, We went to see izzy yesterday , she had improved a little..... then last night i had a phone call to say her temperature was sky high again and that the drip was not flushing the poisons out of her liver.....they think she may have been poisoned, she is only 18 months absolutely adorable, she goes up onto my daughters wardrobes when she gets bored and brings the cuddly toys off for us to play with her, my daughter is histerical, im a mess,.... and so dreadding it


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Aww josaphine I'm so sorry, what can I say. It is always sad when a pet has to be put to sleep. You have done your best and the vet would not do it unless there was no hope. My thoughts are with you today. puss xx
Go onto Animals and Nature and read the messages re Cleo, I know yours is a lot younger, but some of the messages will reinforce that you are doing the best for her if she is suffering. Better a day too soon than a minute too late.

Come back on here and share with us how you are feeling, we will be here for you.
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Thank you lankeela, I spoke to the vet at 8.30 and made an appointment for 9.30, As we got towards the vets, they phoned me to say izzy had just passed away, in someway strangely it made it a bit easier, she was just so warm and looked asleep. Kate my daughter is so upset, we have brought izzy home and my neighbour has made me a lovely wooden box, and she looks so peaceful wrapped up in her blankets,
we will put her in thegarden ...god this is so terrible
Hi, so sorry to hear this news! Losing a loved pet is so hard, but you really did do all you could. Lots of hugs will help you daughter....and I'm sending mu love and hugs to you.

Lisa xxx
Oh that is so sad, and she's still just a kitten too.

Sorry youre all having to go through that

Al xx
How awful for you :o(

My heart goes out to you at this time ~ it is always hard to lose a dear friend, and one so young is a horrible thing to go through.

I hope Izzy passed peacefully, and I am glad you got to bring her home where she belongs. xx
Oh no, another aber has just lost her baby Cleo.
I am so sorry to hear about izzy.
It is very hard when you lose your pet. They are like one of the family.
Think she knew how bad you would feel having to put her to sleep.
Izzie and Cleo are running together towards RAINBOW BRIDGE.
God bless all your family and Izzie.
At peace and out of pain now. x
Josaphine, I'm so sorry to hear such sad news, I'm thinking of you and your daughter. x
Oh josaphine, I am so sorry. Run free Izzy.. xx
Oh Josaphine, I'm so sorry to hear this hun. Thinking of you xxxxxxx
Oh josaphine I know how you must be feeling, iys awful when these things happen but at least she went herself and you did not have make that terrible decision.Nothing we can say will help only that she was loved very much and think of all the poor souls who have dont have anybody to weep for them or care. g
OMG -I do so feel for you and your family -you must feel so helpless just now -its a bereavement in your family and its very tough.My heart goes out to you -they are such a joy to have around and she will be sorely missed by all of you.
Only consolation is that she went peacefully -the Vet maybe even helped her so she wasnt in pain -rather than putting her to sleep.Bless xx
So sorry to hear your news - like most pet owners on this site I have been in this situation and know how it feels. It is so very sad that she was such a young cat. You did all you could for her and at least she was being cared for and not in pain. One day you will be able to remember the good times you had with her. My thoughts are with you.
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Ive just discovered that Izzys death was listed as FIP feline infectious peritinitis.... has anyone elses cat ever had this as i have other cats here and am extremely worried
I'm so sorry to hear about your pet. I know exactly how you feel after losing my dog last year. But one thing we can do is not to let them suffer. In your case, nature took her and ended her pain. She's at peace now.

josaphine, so sorry to hear about little Izzy. It's bad enough losing a loved animal, but when one is so young, it's even worse. There's nothing I can add to what the others have said already - but maybe, just maybe, there is sense in it all. Cleo (pastafreak's little cat) now has a playmate, and Izzy has another cat to look after her as they cross the Rainbow Bridge together. K xxx
So Sorry Josaphine, If you're worried about your other cats I should give your vet a call to see if the infection could be passed on. You're in my thoughts. Love Gelda x
josaphine - I am sorry to hear about your baby. She was barely out of kittenhood.

Don't 'be brave' for your daughter - the both of you have the right to grieve for a person that was so important to you both.

Maybe she is playing with Pasta's Cleo in pussy cat heaven.
So sorry to hear. I lost my 8 month old kitten but he was hit by a car and a dog walker phoned to tell me, i was devastated and so was his twin brother! time will heal its been 4 weeks since i lost my kitten and i just bought a new one so the other kitten has someone to play with.
Maybe you could do they same in a few weeks as kitten season will soon be here and no doubt your daughter would love it.
I posted this poem a few weeks ago but in case you missed it, hope this helps a little bit:-

Poem For Cats

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.

Author Unknown

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